[Haskell-cafe] ONeillPrimes.hs - priority queue broken?
Bertram Felgenhauer
bertram.felgenhauer at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 25 01:46:33 EST 2009
Eugene Kirpichov wrote:
> module PQ where
> import Test.QuickCheck
> data PriorityQ k v = Lf
> | Br {-# UNPACK #-} !k v !(PriorityQ k v) !(PriorityQ k v)
> deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
For the record, we can exploit the invariant that the sizes of the left
and right subtrees have difference 0 or 1 to implement 'size' in better
than O(n) time, where n is the size of the heap:
-- Return number of elements in the priority queue.
-- /O(log(n)^2)/
size :: PriorityQ k v -> Int
size Lf = 0
size (Br _ _ t1 t2) = 2*n + rest n t1 t2 where
n = size t2
-- rest n p q, where n = size q, and size p - size q = 0 or 1
-- returns 1 + size p - size q.
rest :: Int -> PriorityQ k v -> PriorityQ k v -> Int
rest 0 Lf _ = 1
rest 0 _ _ = 2
rest n (Br _ _ p1 p2) (Br _ _ q1 q2) = case r of
0 -> rest d p1 q1 -- subtree sizes: (d or d+1), d; d, d
1 -> rest d p2 q2 -- subtree sizes: d+1, (d or d+1); d+1, d
where (d, r) = (n-1) `quotRem` 2
Of course we can reduce the cost to O(1) by annotating the heap with its
size, but that is less interesting, and incurs a little overhead in the
other heap operations.
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