[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: pqueue-mtl, stateful-mtl

Ryan Ingram ryani.spam at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 15:40:13 EST 2009

So, why not use this definition?  Is there something special about ST
you are trying to preserve?

-- minimal complete definition:
-- Ref, newRef, and either modifyRef or both readRef and writeRef.
class Monad m => MonadRef m where
    type Ref m :: * -> *
    newRef :: a -> m (Ref m a)
    readRef :: Ref m a -> m a
    writeRef :: Ref m a -> a -> m ()
    modifyRef :: Ref m a -> (a -> a) -> m a -- returns old value

    readRef r = modifyRef r id
    writeRef r a = modifyRef r (const a) >> return ()
    modifyRef r f = do
        a <- readRef r
        writeRef r (f a)
        return a

instance MonadRef (ST s) where
    type Ref (ST s) = STRef s
    newRef = newSTRef
    readRef = readSTRef
    writeRef = writeSTRef

instance MonadRef IO where
    type Ref IO = IORef
    newRef = newIORef
    readRef = readIORef
    writeRef = writeIORef

instance MonadRef STM where
    type Ref STM = TVar
    newRef = newTVar
    readRef = readTVar
    writeRef = writeTVar

Then you get to lift all of the above into a monad transformer stack, MTL-style:

instance MonadRef m => MonadRef (StateT s m) where
    type Ref (StateT s m) = Ref m
    newRef = lift . newRef
    readRef = lift . readRef
    writeRef r = lift . writeRef r

and so on, and the mention of the state thread type in your code is
just gone, hidden inside Ref m.  It's still there in the type of the
monad; you can't avoid that:

newtype MyMonad s a = MyMonad { runMyMonad :: StateT Int (ST s) a }
deriving (Monad, MonadState, MonadRef)

But code that relies on MonadRef runs just as happily in STM, or IO,
as it does in ST.

  -- ryan

2009/2/19 Louis Wasserman <wasserman.louis at gmail.com>:
> It does.  In the most recent version, the full class declaration runs
> class MonadST m where
> type StateThread m
> liftST :: ST (StateThread m) a -> m a
> and the StateThread propagates accordingly.
> Louis Wasserman
> wasserman.louis at gmail.com
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 2:10 AM, Sittampalam, Ganesh
> <ganesh.sittampalam at credit-suisse.com> wrote:
>> Henning Thielemann wrote:
>> > On Mon, 16 Feb 2009, Louis Wasserman wrote:
>> >
>> >> Overnight I had the following thought, which I think could work
>> >> rather well.  The most basic implementation of the idea is as
>> >> follows:
>> >>
>> >> class MonadST s m | m -> s where
>> >> liftST :: ST s a -> m a
>> >>
>> >> instance MonadST s (ST s) where ...
>> >> instance MonadST s m => MonadST ...
>> >
>> > Like MonadIO, isn't it?
>> I think it should be, except that you need to track 's' somewhere.
>> Ganesh
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