[Haskell-cafe] Memory

Jeff Douglas inbuninbu at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 00:53:37 EST 2009

Thanks Guys,

Not only did I not run optimizations, I misread the profile. It looks
like it was an imaginary problem from the beginning. I guess I should
go through all the profiling documentation more carefully.


On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Bernie Pope <bjpop at csse.unimelb.edu.au> wrote:
> On 17/02/2009, at 3:56 PM, Jeff Douglas wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> The kind people at #haskell suggested I come to haskell-cafe for
>> questions about haskell performance issues.
>> I'm new to haskell, and I'm having a hard time understanding how to
>> deal with memory leaks.
>> I've been playing with some network server examples and I noticed with
>> each new connection, the memory footprint increases by about 7k
>> However, the leaks don't seem to have anything to do with the
>> networking code. Actually I get a huge leak just from using using
>> 'forever'.
>>> import Control.Monad
>>> import System.IO
>>> main = forever $ putStrLn "hi"
>> When I run it for a few seconds with profiling...
>>> total time  =        0.36 secs   (18 ticks @ 20 ms)
>>> total alloc =  54,423,396 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
>> Can this be right?
> I don't think there should be a space leak in the code you posted.
> On my mac, OS X 10.5.6, GHC version 6.8.3, it appears to run in constant
> space with or without optimisation.
> GHCi seems to gobble a little bit of memory (but that could be incidental).
> My terminal application does gobble memory for a while (and then frees it),
> but that is presumably because it is hammering the buffer (and it nearly
> sets my lap on fire when running).
> Perhaps you could post more details about how it is compiled, and what
> versions of things are being used.
> How are you detecting the leak (via top?).
> Cheers,
> Bernie.

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