[Haskell-cafe] Functional GUIs again
Lennart Augustsson
lennart at augustsson.net
Mon Feb 16 14:10:42 EST 2009
Put it on hackage!
2009/2/16 Fraser Wilson <blancolioni at gmail.com>:
> Since I'm congenitally lazy, and writing a GUI by hand in the IO monad is
> ... not what I expect from a beautiful program, and because what I often
> need is a GUI that manipulates a state, and because I don't understand
> arrows, and having been intrigued by a recent cafe thread, I threw together
> a prototype GUI library with the following features:
> - the GUI is defined on three levels: gadgets, widgets and styles
> - gadgets are functions on a state
> - widgets are data structures which define the layout
> - styles are ways to modify the appearance of widgets
> The following quick example shows a text box and a button. Clicking on the
> button reverses the text in the text box.
>> module Main where
>> import Barrie
>> demoWidget :: Widget
>> demoWidget = vbox [ui "demo entry" textBox,
>> ui "demo command" (labelButton "click me")]
>> type DemoState = String
>> type DemoGadget = Gadget DemoState
>> demoGUI :: DemoGadget
>> demoGUI = localG "demo gui" [editorG "demo entry" id const,
>> commandG "demo command" reverse]
>> main = gtkMain demoGUI demoWidget "Hello, world"
> Two gadgets are used:
> editorG :: String -> (a -> b) -> (b -> a -> a) -> Gadget a
> commandG :: String -> (a -> a) -> Gadget a
> The editor gadget can show a value from a state, and update a state with a
> value. The command gadget can transform a state to a new state. gtkMain
> connects the gadgets to a widget, which specifies layout using the vbox,
> attaching the editor gadget to a text box, and the command gadget to a
> button.
> Well, that's all pretty trivial. The key thing for me was that I can easily
> slap a GUI onto the the front of a class of applications, which happen to be
> the sort of applications I've been writing lately. Also, arbitrary parts of
> the GUI can respond to things that happen miles away, without really having
> to worry about it too much. In barrie-0.1 and 0.2, which used stream-based
> approaches, the problem of getting state from one end of the application to
> the other was non-trivial.
> I'll sketch another quick example:
>> data BridgeGame = ...
> And a bunch of things you can do with the state:
>> makeBid :: Bid -> BridgeGame -> BridgeGame
>> playCard :: Card -> BridgeGame -> BridgeGame
> For bidding, each bid is represented by a gadget:
>> bidG :: Bid -> Gadget BridgeGame
>> bidG bid = enabled (bidOK bid) $ CommandG (show bid) (makeBid bid)
> 'enabled' switches the gadget on if its first argument returns true when
> applied to the current state. However, the decision about what to do with a
> disabled gadget is made by its corresponding widget.
> We get one button for each bid:
>> biddingG :: Gadget BridgeGame
>> biddingG = localG "bidding" (map bidG allBids)
> And they can be displayed in any old order using a widget:
>> biddingW :: Widget
>> biddingW = vbox (map suitBids [Club, Diamond, Heart, Spade] ++ [ntBids])
>> where suitBids suit = hbox $ map (bidButton . flip Bid suit) [1 .. 7]
>> ntBids = hbox $ map (bidButton . NT) [1 .. 7]
>> bidButton bid = ui (show bid) $ labelButton (show bid)
> (You're right, double, redouble and pass are not represented. They make the
> lines too long).
> Screenshot here: http://thewhitelion.org/images/4D.png
> I've just bid four diamonds, so everything lower than that is automatically
> disabled.
> Currently, Barrie implements buttons, text boxes, labels,
> vertical/horizontal layout, single-column lists and drop lists. It current
> uses Gtk2hs for rendering, but it's GUI-agnostic (in fact, the first
> renderer was putStrLn/getLine).
> You can have a look by using darcs:
> darcs get http://thewhitelion.org/darcs/barrie
> Or get the tarball at
> http://thewhitelion.org/haskell/barrie-0.3.0-src.tar.gz
> One note: this is not intended to be a theoretically sound approach, merely
> a way of getting something done quickly. I would expect it to be most
> useful in putting a GUI front-end onto an existing application, in
> particular, an application that is driven by user actions which update a
> state; e.g. a calculator, a bridge game, a 4th edition D&D character creator
> (but that leads to a critical mass of nerdiness, so it's off the table for
> now)
> cheers,
> Fraser.
> --
> http://thewhitelion.org/mysister
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