[Haskell-cafe] Re: ANN: The Typeclassopedia, and request for feedback

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Mon Feb 16 08:21:43 EST 2009

Brent Yorgey wrote:
> If you've noticed the lack of a HWN this week, that's because I've
> been doggedly finishing my article entitled 'The Typeclassopedia',
> which I have just submitted for publication in the Monad.Reader.
> My hope is that this will be a valuable resource to the Haskell
> community, especially those who are learning.  Any feedback would be
> greatly appreciated, especially if it helps improve the article before
> publication.

Splendid and outstanding!

I do, however, wonder about the publication format. Wouldn't a
hyperlinked collection of pages be more suitable for The
Typeclassopedia? I imagine something like one HTML page for each class,
references as inline hyperlinks and the class diagram being the hub,
with each box being a link to the corresponding page.

Of course, the drawback of a more hypertext-like format would be that it
can't be published in the gem that is the Monad.Reader. :(  Or can it?

Thanks to the Simple Permissive License under which the Monad.Reader
publishes, this is not necessarily a dichotomy, though. We can always
convert it to hypertext afterwards.



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