[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: pqueue-mtl, stateful-mtl
Louis Wasserman
wasserman.louis at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 21:44:42 EST 2009
Hello all,
I just uploaded stateful-mtl and pqueue-mtl 1.0.1. The ST monad transformer
and array transformer have been removed -- I've convinced myself that a heap
transformer backed by an ST array cannot be referentially transparent -- and
the heap monad is now available only as a basic monad and not a transformer,
though it still provides priority queue functionality to any of the mtl
wrappers around it. stateful-mtl retains a MonadST typeclass which is
implemented by ST and monad transformers around it, allowing computations in
the the ST-bound heap monad to perform ST operations in its thread.
Since this discussion had largely led to the conclusion that ST can only be
used as a bottom-level monad, it would be pretty uncool if ST computations
couldn't be performed in a monad using ST internally because the ST thread
was hidden and there was no way to place ST computations 'under' the outer
monad. Anyway, it's essentially just like the MonadIO typeclass, except
with a functional dependency on the state type.
There was a question I asked that never got answered, and I'm still curious:
would an ST *arrow* transformer be valid? Arrows impose sequencing on their
operations that monads don't... I'm going to test out some ideas, I think.
Louis Wasserman
wasserman.louis at gmail.com
On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 6:45 PM, Louis Wasserman
<wasserman.louis at gmail.com>wrote:
> The module I put together already has everything I'd need to do it in terms
> of an IntMap with much less work than that -- the generic MonadArray type
> class has implementations both in terms of ST and in terms of an IntMap
> already. Only three changes in the Heap implementation would be needed: two
> changes from runArrayT_ 16 to evalIntMapT, and one change of ArrayT to
> IntMapT. (Here ArrayT is backed by an STT transformer.)
> newtype HeapT e m a = HeapT {execHeapT :: ArrayT e (StateT Int m) a}
> deriving (Monad, MonadReader r, MonadST s, MonadWriter w, MonadFix, MonadIO)
> -- | Runs an 'HeapT' transformer starting with an empty heap.
> runHeapT :: (Monad m, Ord e) => HeapT e m a -> m a
> runHeapT m = evalStateT (runArrayT_ 16 (execHeapT m)) 0
> But I'm still not entirely convinced that the original STT monad with all
> its illegal behavior, hidden from the user, couldn't be used internally by
> HeapT without exposing non-referential-transparency -- I'm still thinking on
> that problem. (Perhaps it'd be useful to ask, how would this purely
> functional implementation of HeapT behave when used as a drop-in replacement
> for the STT-backed HeapT?)
> Originally I said that I was inferring that the problem with an ST
> transformer was that it allowed access to mutable references. If that's
> true, can a priority queue be used to simulate an STRef? If so, wouldn't
> that imply (rather elegantly, in fact) that an STT-backed heap transformer
> would violate referential transparency. (Would the single-threaded array
> transformer backing HeapT fail in that fashion as well?)
> Louis Wasserman
> wasserman.louis at gmail.com
> On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 6:15 PM, Ryan Ingram <ryani.spam at gmail.com> wrote:
>> You can roll your own pure STT monad, at the cost of performance:
>> -- Do not export any of these constructors, just the types STT and STTRef.
>> data W = forall a. W !a
>> data Heap s = Heap !Int !(IntMap W)
>> newtype STT s m a = STT (StateT (Heap s) m a) deriving (Monad,
>> MonadTrans, MonadIO, insert other stuff here, but not MonadState)
>> newtype STTRef s a = Ref Int
>> liftState :: (MonadState s m) => (s -> (a,s)) -> m a
>> liftState f = do
>> (a, s') <- liftM f get
>> put s'
>> return a
>> newSTTRef :: forall s m a. a -> STT s m a
>> newSTTRef a = STT $ liftState go where
>> go (Heap sz m) = (Ref sz, Heap (sz+1) (insert sz (W a) m)
>> readSTTRef :: forall s m a. STTRef s a -> STT s m a
>> readSTTRef (Ref n) = STT $ liftM go get where
>> go (Heap _ m) = case lookup n m of
>> Just (~(W a)) -> unsafeCoerce a
>> _ -> error "impossible: map lookup failed."
>> writeSTTRef :: forall s m a. STTRef s a -> a -> STT s m ()
>> writeSTTRef (Ref n) a = STT $ modify go where
>> go (Heap sz m) = Heap sz (insert n (W a) m)
>> -- forall s. here makes unsafeCoerce in readSTTRef safe. Otherwise
>> references could escape and break unsafeCoerce.
>> runSTT :: (forall s. STT s m a) -> m a
>> runSTT (STT m) = evalStateT m (Heap 0 empty)
>> instance (MonadState s m) => MonadState s (STT st m) where
>> get = lift get
>> put = lift . put
>> modify = lift . modify
>> Unfortunately, you lose garbage collection on referenced data since
>> it's all stored in an IntMap. Is there a way to solve this problem,
>> perhaps using some form of weak reference? Ideally you'd like to be
>> able to find that all references to a particular Ref have been GC'd so
>> that you can reuse that Ref index. Otherwise eventually the IntMap
>> will fill up if you keep allocating references and throwing them away.
>> -- ryan
>> 2009/2/15 Louis Wasserman <wasserman.louis at gmail.com>:
>> > Well, it makes me sad, I guess. pqueue-mtl provides an array-backed
>> heap
>> > monad transformer that is supposed to keep its own ST thread, if only
>> for
>> > the sake of retaining a purely functional interface without any
>> externally
>> > visible forall'd types, which is perfectly fine in most cases, but I'd
>> have
>> > to think about whether or not it'd remain referentially transparent if
>> the
>> > ST thread were only visible to a very tightly encapsulated set of
>> commands
>> > (i.e. priority queue operations).
>> >
>> > Louis Wasserman
>> > wasserman.louis at gmail.com
>> >
>> >
>> > On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 5:33 PM, Henning Thielemann
>> > <lemming at henning-thielemann.de> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> On Sun, 15 Feb 2009, Louis Wasserman wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> I follow. The primary issue, I'm sort of wildly inferring, is that
>> use
>> >>> of STT -- despite being
>> >>> pretty much a State monad on the inside -- allows access to things
>> like
>> >>> mutable references?
>> >>
>> >> I assume that ST must always be the most inner monad, like IO. Is this
>> a
>> >> problem in an application?
>> >
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