[Haskell-cafe] Type families not as useful over functions

George Pollard porges at porg.es
Fri Feb 13 00:50:28 EST 2009

> Can you live with
>    infixl |$|
>    (|$|) :: [a -> r] -> a -> [r]
>    fs |$| x = map ($ x) fs
> and, instead of "broadcast fs a b" use
>    fs |$| a |$| b
> ?

  map ($ x) fs
= { Applicative Functors satisfy... }
  pure ($ x) <*> fs
= { 'interchange' rule from Control.Applicative }
  fs <*> pure x

  fs |$| x === fs <*> pure x
  fs |$| x |$| y === fs <*> pure x <*> pure y

- George
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