[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Google Summer of Code

John Lato jwlato at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 12:54:35 EST 2009

Hi Bulat,

I know you've talked about performance in the past, and I don't want
to start a huge argument, but do you have recent data to back this up?
 IIRC you're using ghc 6.6, yes?

I haven't looked at H.264 (and I realize it's compressed, so the
situation is different from my work), however ghc can generate very
fast code for binary I/O.    Check out (shameless self-promotion)
http://johnlato.blogspot.com for my recent writeup on creating a
high-performance, pure-Haskell, Iteratee-based WAVE file reader.

John Lato

> anyway it's impossible due to slow code generated by ghc
> --
> Best regards,
>  Bulat                            mailto:Bulat.Ziganshin at gmail.com

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