[Haskell-cafe] Why does sleep not work?

John Ky newhoggy at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 18:39:03 EST 2009

Hi Peter,

Source code:
import System.IO
import System.Posix

main = do
      putStrLn "Waiting for 5 seconds."
      sleep 5 -- doesn't sleep at all
      putStrLn "Done."

Mac OS X 10.5

Compile command:
ghc --threaded testsleep.hs

If I remove --threaded, then it does sleep.



On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 8:59 AM, Peter Verswyvelen <bugfact at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi John,
> Which sleep are you using? From which module? Can you show the full source
> with import statements?
> Cheers,
> Peter
> 2009/2/9 John Ky <newhoggy at gmail.com>
>> Hi Haskell Cafe,
>> I wrote very short program to sleep for 5 seconds compiled with the
>> -threaded option in ghc on the Mac OS X 1.5.
>> I am finding that using the sleep function doesn't sleep at all, whereas
>> using threadDelay does:
>> main = do
>>       putStrLn "Waiting for 5 seconds."
>>       threadDelay 5000000 -- works
>>       putStrLn "Done."
>> main = do
>>       putStrLn "Waiting for 5 seconds."
>>       sleep 5 -- doesn't sleep at all
>>       putStrLn "Done."
>> Anybody know what's happening?
>> Thanks
>> -John
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