[Haskell-cafe] HSGI: Haskell Server Gateway Interface

Manlio Perillo manlio_perillo at libero.it
Sat Feb 7 14:12:51 EST 2009

Lately I have started to think about how I would like to implement a web 
application framework in Haskell.

To keep my thoughts well defined, I have decided to write some documents.
My ideas are heavily based on my experience with Python WSGI, and a 
Python WSGI framework I'm implementing (wsgix).

Note that there is already another attempt to define an Haskell Gateway 
interface, and it may also have the same name!

However I'm not trying to write a formal specification.
The core of my idea is in the Haskell Web Application Framework, I just 
need a gateway interface as a building block.

I apologize for my not very good experience at writing in english and 
Also note that the document is in a very rough state.
I'm announcing it here, to receive feedback, just to make sure that what 
I would like to do is possible/convenient to do in Haskell.

The documents (only the first one - HSGI - available at the moment) are 
available here:

Thanks and regards   Manlio Perillo

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