[Haskell-cafe] HGL window update problem
Rodrigo Queiro
overdrigzed at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 12:58:52 EST 2009
In this program, the HGL window only updates when I mouseover it. Can
someone tell me why this is / how I should avoid it?
module Main where
import Graphics.HGL
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
main = do
stringMVar <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO . runGraphics $ do
w <- openWindowEx "HGLTest" Nothing (300, 100) DoubleBuffered Nothing
forever $ do
string <- takeMVar stringMVar
setGraphic w $ text (0, 0) string
forever $ do
string <- getLine
putMVar stringMVar string
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