[Haskell-cafe] Happstack 0.1 Released!

Jochem Berndsen jochem at functor.nl
Thu Feb 5 09:23:10 EST 2009

Neil Mitchell wrote:
> Successor as in Happstack replaces HAppS entirely and all projects
> implemented in HAppS should aim to port to Happstack - or successor as
> in builds on the ideas in HAppS? Is HAppS now deprecated?

The HAppS project has been abandoned, see
http://groups.google.com/group/HAppS/msg/d128331e213c1031 .

The Happstack project is intended to continue development. For more
details, see http://happstack.com/faq.html .

Jochem Berndsen | jochem at functor.nl

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