[Haskell-cafe] Re: Why binding to existing widget toolkits doesn't make any sense

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Tue Feb 3 04:10:58 EST 2009

John A. De Goes wrote:
> The size, color, and layout of widgets has no effect on interaction
> semantics and is best pushed elsewhere, into a designer-friendly realm
> such as CSS.

Yes, layout can be separated from interaction.

It's just that I don't consider CSS friendly at all, I'd say it's a 0th
order language. Layout combinators in the spirit of TeX or Lout are more
flexible while being simpler. In any case, a simple primitive

   grid :: [[Rect a]] -> Rect a

that arranges widgets in a rectangular grid should be enough for GUIs.



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