[Haskell-cafe] Mysterious factorial
Luke Palmer
lrpalmer at gmail.com
Wed Dec 30 13:10:50 EST 2009
On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Ralf Hinze <ralf.hinze at comlab.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
> As an aside, in one of my libraries I have a combinator
> for folding a list in a binary-subdivision scheme.
>> foldm :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
I would use:
foldm :: Monoid m => [m] -> m
Which is just a better implementation of mconcat / fold. The reason I
prefer this interface is that foldm has a precondition in order to
have a simple semantics: the operator you're giving it has to be
associative. I like to use typeclasses to express laws. You don't
need to prove anything to use a function, but you do often need to
prove something to make an instance of a typeclass. Fortunately
Monoid already has what we need.
>> foldm (*) e x
>> | null x = e
>> | otherwise = fst (rec (length x) x)
>> where rec 1 (a : as) = (a, as)
>> rec n as = (a1 * a2, as2)
>> where m = n `div` 2
>> (a1, as1) = rec (n - m) as
>> (a2, as2) = rec m as1
> Then factorial can be defined more succinctly
>> factorial n = foldm (*) 1 [1 .. n]
> Cheers, Ralf
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