[Haskell-cafe] (liftM join .) . mapM

Conor McBride conor at strictlypositive.org
Tue Dec 29 13:20:16 EST 2009

Hi Tony

On 29 Dec 2009, at 12:10, Tony Morris wrote:

> Can (liftM join .) . mapM be improved?
> (Monad m) => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]

You can

   (a) generalize m from Monad to Applicative
   (b) generalize [b] to any Monoid
   (c) generalize [a] to f a for any Foldable f

and write

   ala AppLift foldMap

if you happen to have some of my usual kit. See below.



Here's the machinery.

 > class Newtype n where
 >   type Unwrap n
 >   wrap :: Unwrap n -> n
 >   unwrap :: n -> Unwrap n

 > ala :: Newtype v' =>
 >        (t -> t') -> ((s -> t') -> u -> v') -> (s -> t) -> u ->  
Unwrap v'
 > ala p h f u = unwrap (h (p . f) u)

Here's a rather useful newtype, capturing applicative lifting of  

 > newtype AppLift a x = AppLift (a x)

 > instance (Applicative a, Monoid x) => Monoid (AppLift a x) where
 >   mempty = AppLift (pure mempty)
 >   mappend (AppLift ax) (AppLift ay) = AppLift (mappend <$> ax <*> ay)

 > instance Newtype (AppLift a x) where
 >   type Unwrap (AppLift a x) = a x
 >   wrap = AppLift
 >   unwrap (AppLift ax) = ax

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