[Haskell-cafe] Re: Allowing hyphens in identifiers

Miguel Mitrofanov miguelimo38 at yandex.ru
Fri Dec 18 03:50:11 EST 2009

On 18 Dec 2009, at 06:39, Richard O'Keefe wrote:

> My experience has been that in order to make sense of someone else's
> code you *HAVE* to break identifiers into their component words.
> With names like (real example) ScatterColorPresetEditor, the eye
> *can't* take it in at once, and telling the difference between that
> and ScatterColorPresentEditor would be a pain.  Break them up
> Ada-style as Scatter_Colour_Preset_Editor and
> Scatter_Colour_Present_Editor and you're away laughing.

Wouldn't it be something like

Editor (Preset (Color Scatter))

in Haskell?

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