[Haskell-cafe] A bug of groupBy implement

L.Guo leaveye.guo at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 11:45:59 EST 2009

Hi there:

My friend asked me a question, and i suppose he has found a bug of `groupBy'.

Here is the code piece:

> List.groupBy (\a b -> Foreign.unsafePerformIO (Text.Printf.printf "\t%d <= %d ?: %s\n" a b (show (a<=b)) >> return (a<=b))) [7,3,5,9,6,8,3,5,4]

I have tested it in GHC 6.10.4 (Win XP) and GHC 6.8.3 (Linux), both give the wrong result (categaried):

        7 <= 3 ?: False
        3 <= 5 ?: True
        3 <= 9 ?: True
        3 <= 6 ?: True
        3 <= 8 ?: True
        3 <= 3 ?: True
        3 <= 5 ?: True
        3 <= 4 ?: True


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