[Haskell-cafe] Re: computing lists of pairs

Christian Maeder Christian.Maeder at dfki.de
Mon Dec 7 07:38:08 EST 2009

Thanks again for your patience with me, your answers to this list (and
the beginners list) are in general a real pleasure!


Daniel Fischer schrieb:
> Am Freitag 04 Dezember 2009 19:00:33 schrieb Christian Maeder:
>>> aP1 [] = [[]]
>>> aP1 (h:t) = do
>>>     x <- h
>>>     xs <- aP1 t
>>>     return (x:xs)
>>> for every x in h, we calculate the combinations of t anew.
>> Do we? Isn't "aP1 t" one closure that's being evaluated only once?
> That depends. Firstly, it depends on the optimisation level.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> module AllPossibilities where
> import Debug.Trace
> aP1 :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
> aP1 [] = [[]]
> aP1 l@(h:t) = trace ("aP1 " ++ show l) [x:xs | x <- h, xs <- aP1 t]
> aP2 :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
> aP2 [] = [[]]
> aP2 l@(h:t) = trace ("aP2 " ++ show l) [x:xs | xs <- aP2 t, x <- h]
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Compiled without optimisations (or interpreted):
> Prelude AllPossibilities> aP1 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
> aP1 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
> aP1 [[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
> aP1 [[7,8,9]]
> [[1,4,7],[1,4,8],[1,4,9]aP1 [[7,8,9]]
> ,[1,5,7],[1,5,8],[1,5,9]aP1 [[7,8,9]]
> ,[1,6,7],[1,6,8],[1,6,9]aP1 [[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
> aP1 [[7,8,9]]
> ,[2,4,7],[2,4,8],[2,4,9]aP1 [[7,8,9]]
> ,[2,5,7],[2,5,8],[2,5,9]aP1 [[7,8,9]]
> ,[2,6,7],[2,6,8],[2,6,9]aP1 [[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
> aP1 [[7,8,9]]
> ,[3,4,7],[3,4,8],[3,4,9]aP1 [[7,8,9]]
> ,[3,5,7],[3,5,8],[3,5,9]aP1 [[7,8,9]]
> ,[3,6,7],[3,6,8],[3,6,9]]
> Prelude AllPossibilities> aP2 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
> aP2 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
> aP2 [[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
> aP2 [[7,8,9]]
> [[1,4,7],[2,4,7],[3,4,7],[1,5,7],[2,5,7],[3,5,7],[1,6,7],[2,6,7],[3,6,7],[1,4,8],[2,4,8],
> [3,4,8],[1,5,8],[2,5,8],[3,5,8],[1,6,8],[2,6,8],[3,6,8],[1,4,9],[2,4,9],[3,4,9],[1,5,9],
> [2,5,9],[3,5,9],[1,6,9],[2,6,9],[3,6,9]]
> it's evaluated multiple times. Compiled with optimisation (-O or -O2),
> Prelude AllPossibilities> aP1 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
> aP1 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
> aP1 [[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
> aP1 [[7,8,9]]
> [[1,4,7],[1,4,8],[1,4,9],[1,5,7],[1,5,8],[1,5,9],[1,6,7],[1,6,8],[1,6,9],[2,4,7],[2,4,8],
> [2,4,9],[2,5,7],[2,5,8],[2,5,9],[2,6,7],[2,6,8],[2,6,9],[3,4,7],[3,4,8],[3,4,9],[3,5,7],
> [3,5,8],[3,5,9],[3,6,7],[3,6,8],[3,6,9]]
> Prelude AllPossibilities> aP2 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
> aP2 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
> aP2 [[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
> aP2 [[7,8,9]]
> [[1,4,7],[2,4,7],[3,4,7],[1,5,7],[2,5,7],[3,5,7],[1,6,7],[2,6,7],[3,6,7],[1,4,8],[2,4,8],
> [3,4,8],[1,5,8],[2,5,8],[3,5,8],[1,6,8],[2,6,8],[3,6,8],[1,4,9],[2,4,9],[3,4,9],[1,5,9],
> [2,5,9],[3,5,9],[1,6,9],[2,6,9],[3,6,9]]
> it's only evaluated once.

It's also evaluated only once (unoptimized) if given as follows,
although I would not write it that way:

aP1 :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
aP1 [] = [[]]
aP1 l@(h:t) = trace ("aP1 " ++ show l)
  $ let r = aP1 t in [x:xs | x <- h, xs <- r]

> But if we think about what happens when we have n lists of lengths l1, ..., ln, there are 
> l2*...*ln combinations of the tail. Each of these combinations is used l1 times, once for 
> each element of the first list. However, between two uses of a particular combination, all 
> the other (l2*...*ln-1) combinations are used once. If l2*...*ln is large, only a tiny 
> fraction of the combinations of the tail fit in the memory at once, so they simply can't 
> be reused and have to be recalculated each time (theoretically, a handful could be kept in 
> memory for reuse).

Right, memory consumption is still the problem (maybe unless everything
is needed eventually).

> On the other hand, in aP2, each combination of the tail is of course also used l1 times, 
> but these are in direct succession, and the combination has been bound to a name for the 
> entire scope, it's practically guaranteed to be calculated only once and garbage collected 
> once.

Yes, I see that reusing and sharing one element of xs is far easier in aP2.

> By the way, if the order in which the combinations are generated matters:
> aP1 === map reverse . aP2 . reverse

The order does not matter for me.
But it is good to see (from a second perspective) that both variants
basically produce the same combinations.

>>> aP2 [] = [[]]
>>> aP2 (h:t) = do
>>>     xs <- aP2 t
>>>     x <- h
>>>     return (x:xs)
>>> now we first calculate the combinations of t, for each of those, we cons
>>> the elements of h to it in turn and never reuse it afterwards.
>> Thanks for explaining.
>> C.

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