[Haskell-cafe] Re: Do you need Windows USB in Haskell?

Maurí­cio CA mauricio.antunes at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 06:00:16 EST 2009

 > I don't need usb and I can't say I'm a windows user, but I'd
 > be glad to test it since I have it on a virtual machine. In my
 > case, installation fails on "bindings-common".

bindings-common fails on windows due to an old version of C
library with GHC's windows version of gcc. Current version of
bindings-libusb uses bindings-DSL.

I'm glad that you offered to help. But usb is not supposed to
work on windows yet. The windows version of the C library has
been worked on recently, so, I would need someone who would
follow closely this still alpha code and maybe even sugesting
adaptations to libusb-1.x build system if necessary. I don't
think it's fair to expect that from someone who isn't going to use
the library.

Thanks! Best,

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