[Haskell-cafe] instance Binary UTCTime (Was: Oprhan instances)
Reid Barton
rwbarton at math.harvard.edu
Wed Dec 2 21:29:29 EST 2009
On Wed, Dec 02, 2009 at 11:03:52PM +0100, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Montag, den 30.11.2009, 00:30 +0000 schrieb Duncan Coutts:
> > I should also note that distros will not look kindly on solutions that
> > require N * M separate packages.
> with my Debian-Developer hat on I can very much support this statement.
> Which is why I’m so interested in a proper solution to the
> instance-Providing-problem. And which is why I’m trying to revive the
> thread now :-)
> Would it be techically possible and feasible to write instance that do
> not actually cause a dependency on the package that defines the class
> resp. the data type?
It is technically possible, using Template Haskell, by exporting a TH
value representing the instance, which can be constructed without
importing the module where the class is defined, and leaving it to the
importer (which has that module imported as well) to splice in the
class declaration.
----- file A.hs
module A where
class Foo a where
foo :: Int -> a
----- file B.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module B where
import Language.Haskell.TH
-- do not import A
newtype Bar = Bar Int deriving Show
-- the TH equivalent of "instance Foo Bar where foo = Bar"
instanceFooBar :: Q [Dec]
instanceFooBar = return [InstanceD [] (AppT (ConT $ mkName "A.Foo") (ConT $ mkName "B.Bar"))
[ValD (VarP $ mkName "foo") (NormalB (ConE $ mkName "B.Bar")) []]]
----- file C.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import A
import B
main = print (foo 3 :: Bar)
Needless to say it would be preferable not to write instances directly
as TH syntax trees! Unfortunately (for our purposes) the definition
"instanceFooBar = [d| instance A.Foo Bar where foo = Bar |]" is
rejected by the compiler unless A is imported in B (it complains that
A.Foo and foo are not in scope). I suppose one could create a class
B.Foo with the same definition as A.Foo, write a quoted instance
referring to A.Foo, and use some generic programming to replace all
occurrences of B.Foo with A.Foo.
Of course, module B still sort of depends on module A in the sense
that if the definition of A.Foo changes, importers of B will no longer
be able to use instanceFooBar until B is updated. On the other hand B
could export TH descriptions of multiple instance corresponding to
different versions of A.Foo, relying on the importer to select the one
which matches its selected version of A.
Reid Barton
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