[Haskell-cafe] Beginner's speed problem

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Wed Dec 2 17:15:55 EST 2009

Am Mittwoch 02 Dezember 2009 22:44:01 schrieb Don Stewart:
> aditya87:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am trying to solve this problem: https://www.spoj.pl/problems/LASTDIG/
> > It is very simple. Given a and b, return the last digit of a^b. b
> > could be large, so I used logarithmic exponentiation and

Just to mention it, you can do something much much faster for this problem.
Something in the microsecond range (if IO is fast enough, millisecond otherwise).

> > wrote/submitted the code below for this problem:
> >
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > lastdigit :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
> > lastdigit 0 0 _ = 1
> > lastdigit a b c | even b = lastdigit ( (a*a) `rem` 10 ) (b `quot` 2) c
> >
> >                 | b == 1 = (a*c) `rem` 10
> >                 | otherwise = lastdigit ( (a*a) `rem` 10 ) (b `quot` 2)
> >                 | (a*c)
> >
> > doit :: [Char] -> Int
> > doit line = lastdigit (read $ head $ words line) (read $ last $ words
> > line) 1
> >
> > main = do
> >   n <- getLine
> >   inputs <- sequence $ take (read n) $ repeat getLine
> >   let slist = map doit inputs
> >   mapM_ (putStrLn.show) slist
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------
> I notice an unnec. lazy 'c' argument to lastdigit,

Though for <= 30 inputs and exponents < 2^31, the laziness shouldn't do too much harm, I 
think. Shouldn't push it over one second, now they've at last replaced 6.6.1.

>     {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
>     lastdigit :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
>     lastdigit 0 0 _  = 1
>     lastdigit a b !c | even b    = lastdigit ( (a*a) `rem` 10 ) (b `quot`
> 2) c
>                      | b == 1    = (a*c) `rem` 10


   | otherwise = lastdigit ( (a*a) `rem` 10 ) (b `quot` 2) (a*c)

is problematic. The (a*c), to be exact. The exponent may be close to 2^31, so up to 30 
bits may be set. You then have a multiplication of up to 30 factors, the first is (< 20), 
the others (< 10), but it may easily overflow Int range, and then the last digit need not 
be correct.

You need ((a*c) `rem` 10) there.

>     doit :: [Char] -> Int
>     doit line = lastdigit (read $ head $ words line) (read $ last $ words
> line) 1
>     main = do
>       n <- getLine
>       inputs <- sequence $ take (read n) $ repeat getLine
>       let slist = map doit inputs
>       mapM_ (putStrLn.show) slist

I'd prefer

main = do
    lns <- fmap lines getContents
    mapM_ (print . doit) $ tail lns


main = fmap lines getContents >>= mapM_ (print . doit) . tail

> Would generate better code for lastdigit.

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