[Haskell-cafe] Re: inversion lists
Ted Zlatanov
tzz at lifelogs.com
Tue Dec 1 17:31:10 EST 2009
On Fri, 20 Nov 2009 15:30:49 -0600 Ted Zlatanov <tzz at lifelogs.com> wrote:
TZ> A nice property of inversion lists is that inverting them simply
TZ> requires removing or adding the minimum possible value at the beginning
TZ> of the list. A membership test requires traversal but since the list is
TZ> sorted we know when to stop if it doesn't exist. Set union and
TZ> difference are pretty tricky but at least can stop early if one of two
TZ> sets is finite. As I learn more Haskell I'll try implementing these
TZ> step by step. Is there any interest in making this an actual module or
TZ> is it not very useful in the context of Haskell?
OK, here's my current state. The first two functions are not mine, of
course (the original invlist' was called h, that's all).
invlist_negate just appends 0 or removes it. I think the first
condition (on an empty list) is not necessary. Should I keep it for
For invlist_member I basically pass the current state down into the
recursion chain on invlist_member'. The function will end early if it
can, or it will scan all the way down the list in the worst case (when
the goal value is greater than the last interval marker). I think I
could do it with a foldl but I wasn't able to figure it out.
Any suggestions are welcome. I can definitely reimplement the invlist
function similarly to invlist_member, by passing an exclusion state
boolean down, which will make the code longer. I'm not sure if it will
be bad for performance. I think it will be better because I'll be able
to do it lazily as opposed to the foldr below which needs a finite list.
Can I do it with a direct foldl instead? I need to look at it
carefully but maybe someone has a suggestion.
I plan to do set operations after I get the basics right :)
This should really have been in comp.lang.haskell.beginner. Sorry for
the elementary stuff, I'm keeping the thread in c.l.h.cafe only to avoid
double postings at this point.
invlist' :: Num a => a -> [a] -> [a]
invlist' x (y:ys)
| x+1 == y = x:ys
invlist' x zs = x:(x+1):zs
invlist = foldr invlist' []
invlist_negate [] = [0]
invlist_negate (0:xs) = xs
invlist_negate xs = 0:xs
invlist_member _ [] = False
-- bootstrap membership test with a False exclusion state (an inversion list begins with the first included value)
invlist_member goal (x:xs) = invlist_member' goal False (x:xs)
invlist_member' goal exclude (x:xs) =
if goal < x then
invlist_member' goal (not exclude) xs -- flip the exclusion state of the list
invlist_member' _ exclude _ = exclude -- if we can't match one more element, return the current exclusion state
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