[Haskell-cafe] Re: How to use dyre relaunch/restore State of Gtk2hs Object?

Will Donnelly will.donnelly at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 09:40:34 EDT 2009

Hi Andy,

Your program didn't compile as given, so I cut out some of the event
handling fanciness you were doing. Also, my modified version restarts
whenever the 'r' key is pressed. I figure those changes aren't important to
the problem at hand.
Anyway, I don't think it's ever going to be possible to define a Binary
instance for a TextView, since all of the functions which can yield
information about it are impure. I would recommend extracting the relevant
data beforehand, and then persisting it in a tuple. You could use some
'marshal<WIDGET>' and 'recreate<WIDGET>' functions if you need to persist
many different widget types. Saving just the text can be done as follows:

module DyreExample where

import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (get)
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events as E

import qualified Config.Dyre as Dyre
import Config.Dyre.Relaunch

import System.IO
import Data.Binary

data Config = Config { message :: String, errorMsg :: Maybe String }

defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig = Config "Dyre Example v0.1" Nothing

showError :: Config -> String -> Config
showError cfg msg = cfg { errorMsg = Just msg }

realMain Config{message = message, errorMsg = errorMsg } = do

  textView <- textViewNew
  textBuffer <- textViewGetBuffer textView
  text <- restoreBinaryState ""
  putStrLn $ "Restored state: " ++ text
  textBufferSetText textBuffer text

  rootWindow <- windowNew
  rootWindow `onDestroy` mainQuit
  windowFullscreen rootWindow

  rootWindow `containerAdd` textView

  widgetShowAll rootWindow

  rootWindow `onKeyPress` (\event -> dyreKeyTest event textView)


dyreExample = Dyre.wrapMain $ Dyre.defaultParams
    { Dyre.projectName = "Main"
    , Dyre.realMain = realMain
    , Dyre.showError = showError

dyreKeyTest :: E.Event -> TextView -> IO Bool
dyreKeyTest ev textView = do
    case E.eventKeyName ev of
         "r" -> do textBuffer <- textViewGetBuffer textView
                   sI <- textBufferGetStartIter textBuffer
                   eI <- textBufferGetEndIter textBuffer
                   text <- textBufferGetText textBuffer sI eI True
                   putStrLn $ "Relaunching with state: " ++ text
                   relaunchWithBinaryState text Nothing
                   return True
         _ -> return False

Other comments:
  1. It isn't necessary to explicitly tell Dyre to do a custom compile. It
will take care of figuring that out once you restart it.
  2. Instead of manually setting paths in the code, you can use the
'--dyre-debug' command-line flag, which will cause Dyre to look for
configurations in the current directory, and store temporary files in a
'cache' subdirectory.
  3. Giving a project name of 'Main' causes Dyre to see the file 'Main.hs'
as a custom configuration. I'm not sure if that's what you intended, but it
will make testing custom configurations harder than it needs to be.
  4. Good luck with the rest of your project!

- Will Donnelly
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