[Haskell-cafe] How to use dyre relaunch/restore State of Gtk2hs
Andy Stewart
lazycat.manatee at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 10:26:51 EDT 2009
Hi all.
I try to use dyre
to relaunch/restore State of TextView to make TextView's content can't
lost when main program reboot.
Below is source code for example:
------------------------------> source code start <------------------------------
module DyreExample where
import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (get)
import qualified Config.Dyre as Dyre
import Config.Dyre.Relaunch
import Config.Dyre.Compile
import System.IO
import Event
import Test
import Data.Binary
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events as E
data Config = Config { message :: String, errorMsg :: Maybe String }
defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig = Config "Dyre Example v0.1" Nothing
showError :: Config -> String -> Config
showError cfg msg = cfg { errorMsg = Just msg }
realMain Config{message = message, errorMsg = errorMsg } = do
textView <- textViewNew
tn <- restoreTextState testName
tv <- restoreBinaryState textView
putStrLn tn
rootWindow <- windowNew
rootWindow `onDestroy` mainQuit
windowFullscreen rootWindow
-- rootWindow `containerAdd` textView
rootWindow `containerAdd` tv
widgetShowAll rootWindow
rootWindow `onKeyPress` (\event -> dyreKeyTest event textView)
dyreExample = Dyre.wrapMain $ Dyre.defaultParams
{ Dyre.projectName = "Main"
, Dyre.configDir = Just (return "/home/andy/Projects/Haskell/dyre/")
, Dyre.cacheDir = Just (return "/test/Download/cache/")
, Dyre.realMain = realMain
, Dyre.showError = showError
dyreMainParams = Dyre.defaultParams
{ Dyre.projectName = "Main"
, Dyre.configDir = Just (return "/home/andy/Projects/Haskell/dyre/")
, Dyre.cacheDir = Just (return "/test/Download/cache/")
, Dyre.realMain = realMain
, Dyre.showError = showError
dyreTestParams = Dyre.defaultParams
{Dyre.projectName = "Test"
,Dyre.configDir = Just (return "/home/andy/Projects/Haskell/dyre/")}
dyreKeyTest :: E.Event -> TextView -> IO Bool
dyreKeyTest ev textView = do
case eventTransform ev of
Nothing -> return False
Just e -> do
let eventName = eventGetName e
case eventName of
"M-m" -> do
out2 <- customCompile dyreMainParams
putStrLn $ show out2
relaunchWithTextState testName Nothing
relaunchWithBinaryState textView Nothing
return True
_ -> return False
-- instance Binary TextView where
-- put a = put a
-- get = get
------------------------------> source code end <------------------------------
On the surface, just add TextView's Binary instance can fix problem.
But TextView is Haskell binding (by gtk2hs) for C struct in GTK+
library, i wonder how to write Binary instance for TextView.
My aim is write GUI program (through gtk2hs) will keep GUI State when
main program recompile/reboot (like XMonad).
Example, above code, i add TextView widget in Window, and type "I love
Haskell" in it, when this program recompile/reboot itself, the content
"I love Haskell" still display in TextView widget, and not empty.
So any ideas or suggestions?
-- Andy
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