[Haskell-cafe] Problem with monadic formlets
Colin Paul Adams
colin at colina.demon.co.uk
Fri Aug 28 02:06:05 EDT 2009
>>>>> "Jeremy" == Jeremy Shaw <jeremy at n-heptane.com> writes:
Jeremy> Hello, I hacked your code into a runnable example, and it
Jeremy> seems to work for me.
Jeremy> Which looks correct to me. Your code looks fine to me as
Jeremy> well... Perhaps the error is not in the code you pasted,
Jeremy> but somewhere else. I am running on an older, and somewhat
Jeremy> forked version of Formlets, so there could also be a bug
Jeremy> in the new code I guess. Though, that seems unlikely. But
Jeremy> it is worth noting that we are not using the same version
Jeremy> of the formlets library.
I did some debugging in ghci, but was unable to step through the
ensure and check routines, which is where the apparent data corruprion
is occurring. I am suspecting a bug in the formlets library (I have
version 0.6).
So I have created a slightly cut-down (no database involved) complete
working program. Can you see if this works ok with your version of
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Applicative.Error
import Control.Applicative.State
import Data.List as List
import Text.Formlets
import qualified Text.XHtml.Strict.Formlets as F
import qualified Text.XHtml.Strict as X
import Text.XHtml.Strict ((+++), (<<))
import Happstack.Server
type XForm a = F.XHtmlForm IO a
data Registration = Registration { regUser :: String
, regPass :: String }
deriving Show
handleRegistration :: ServerPartT IO Response
handleRegistration = withForm "register" register showErrorsInline (\u -> okHtml $ regUser u ++ " is successfully registered")
withForm :: String -> XForm a -> (X.Html -> [String] -> ServerPartT IO Response) -> (a -> ServerPartT IO Response) -> ServerPartT IO Response
withForm name frm handleErrors handleOk = dir name $ msum
[ methodSP GET $ createForm [] frm >>= okHtml
, withDataFn lookPairs $ \d ->
methodSP POST $ handleOk' $ simple d
handleOk' d = do
let (extractor, html, _) = runFormState d frm
v <- liftIO extractor
case v of
Failure faults -> do
f <- createForm d frm
handleErrors f faults
Success s -> handleOk s
simple d = List.map (\(k,v) -> (k, Left v)) d
showErrorsInline :: X.Html -> [String] -> ServerPartT IO Response
showErrorsInline renderedForm errors =
okHtml $ X.toHtml (show errors) +++ renderedForm
createForm :: Env -> XForm a -> ServerPartT IO X.Html
createForm env frm = do
let (extractor, xml, endState) = runFormState env frm
xml' <- liftIO xml
return $ X.form X.! [X.method "POST"] << (xml' +++ X.submit "submit" "Submit")
okHtml :: (X.HTML a) => a -> ServerPartT IO Response
okHtml content = ok $ toResponse $ htmlPage $ content
htmlPage :: (X.HTML a) => a -> X.Html
htmlPage content = (X.header << (X.thetitle << "Testing forms"))
+++ (X.body << content)
register :: XForm Registration
register = Registration <$> user <*> passConfirmed
user :: XForm String
user = pure_user `F.checkM` F.ensureM valid error where
valid name = return True
error = "Username already exists in the database!"
pure_user :: XForm String
pure_user = input `F.check` F.ensure valid error where
input = "Username" `label` F.input Nothing
valid = (>= 3) . length
error = "Username must be three characters or longer."
passConfirmed :: XForm String
passConfirmed = fst <$> passwords `F.check` F.ensure equal error where
passwords = (,) <$> pass "Password" <*> pass "Password (confirm)"
equal (a, b) = a == b
error = "The entered passwords do not match!"
pass :: String -> XForm String
pass caption = input `F.check` F.ensure valid error where
input = caption `label` F.password Nothing
valid = (>=6) . length
error = "Password must be six characters or longer."
label :: String -> XForm String -> XForm String
label l = F.plug (\xhtml -> X.p << (X.label << (l ++ ": ") +++ xhtml))
main = simpleHTTP (nullConf {port = 9959}) handleRegistration
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire
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