[Haskell-cafe] STM problems
Luke Palmer
lrpalmer at gmail.com
Sun Aug 23 05:12:01 EDT 2009
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 1:33 AM, Michael Speer<knomenet at gmail.com> wrote:
> data HashTable a b = HashTable (a -> Int) (STM (Array Int (TVar (Maybe b))))
So wait... a HashTable is a hash function together with an *action
returning an array of TVars?* I don't think that's right. It looks
like that action is recreating an empty table each time it is
accessed. You probably want:
data HashTable a b = HashTable (a -> Int) (TVar (Array Int (TVar (Maybe b))))
instead. The rest of the implementation will follow the type.
> mkHashTable :: ( a -> Int ) -> Int -> HashTable a b
> mkHashTable hashfn numBuckets | numBuckets > 0 = do
> HashTable hashfn $ do
> vs <- mapM (\v -> newTVar Nothing >>= \tv -> return (v,tv) ) [1..numBuckets]
> return $ array (1,numBuckets) vs
> readHashTable :: HashTable a b -> a -> STM (Maybe b)
> readHashTable hashtable key =
> let (HashTable hashfn table) = hashtable
> in table >>= \tb -> readTVar (tb ! hashfn key)
> writeHashTable :: HashTable a b -> a -> (Maybe b) -> STM ()
> writeHashTable hashtable key value =
> let (HashTable hashfn table) = hashtable
> in table >>= \tb -> writeTVar (tb ! hashfn key) value >> return ()
> main = let ht = mkHashTable id 10 :: HashTable Int String
> in do
> v <- atomically $ do
> mapM_ (\n -> writeHashTable ht n (Just $ "hello " ++ show
> n)) [1..10]
> mapM (\n -> readHashTable ht n) [1..10]
> print v
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