[Haskell-cafe] Re: Where do I put the seq?

Peter Verswyvelen bugfact at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 16:41:35 EDT 2009

But how does GHC implement the RealWorld internally? I guess this can't be
done using standard Haskell stuff? It feels to me that if I would implement
it, I would need seq again, or a strict field, or some incrementing "time"
value that is a strict argument of each of the IO primitives. In any case, I
would need strictness to control the dependencies no? I might be wrong
(again) but this is all very interesting ;-)

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 10:25 PM, David Menendez <dave at zednenem.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Peter Verswyvelen<bugfact at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Also doesn't Haskell's IO system uses a hidden RealWorld type that has no
> > value but which is passed from between monadics binds in a strict way to
> > make the ordering work?
> Haskell only describes how the IO monad behaves. GHC's implementation
> uses a RealWorld type, but other implementations are possible.
> A quick sketch of an alternative implementation,
> data Trace = Done | Get (Char -> Trace) | Put Char Trace
> newtype IO a = IO { unIO :: (a -> Trace) -> Trace }
> instance Monad IO where
>    return a = IO (\k -> k a)
>    m >>= f = IO (\k -> unIO m (\a -> unIO (f a) k))
> getChar :: IO Char
> getChar = IO Get
> putChar :: Char -> IO ()
> putChar c = IO (\k -> Put c (k ()))
> The run-time system is responsible for interpreting the Trace and
> inputting/outputting characters as needed. All of IO can be
> implemented in this manner.
> > So IO in Haskell is a horrible hack then? :-) If it
> > would be done nicely, in the FRP way, then RealWorld IO would need time
> > stamps to get rid of the hack?
> Again, no. GHC's IO type uses the RealWorld value to create data
> dependencies. For example, putChar 'x' >> getChar, the getChar depends
> on the RealWorld returned by putChar 'x'.
> This is why it's dangerous to open up GHC's IO type unless you know
> what you're doing. If you aren't careful, you may accidentally
> duplicate or destroy the RealWorld, at which point you risk losing
> purity and referential transparency.
> I suppose you could consider the fact that GHC's IO is implemented
> using impure primitive operations a hack, but the whole point of the
> IO monad is to hide that impurity from the rest of the program.
> --
> Dave Menendez <dave at zednenem.com>
> <http://www.eyrie.org/~zednenem/>
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