[Haskell-cafe] Where does documentation get installed with cabal?

Colin Paul Adams colin at colina.demon.co.uk
Thu Aug 20 10:39:14 EDT 2009

>>>>> "Max" == Max Desyatov <explicitcall at googlemail.com> writes:

    Max> Colin Paul Adams <colin at colina.demon.co.uk> writes:
    >> I'm trying to find the API documentation for happstack 0.3
    >> (online is for 0.2).
    >> So I did:
    >> cabal install happstack --reinstall --enable-documentation
    >> but I can't find it anywhere within ~/.cabal - where should I
    >> look?

    Max> In most cases it is installed in
    Max> ~/.cabal/share/doc/happstack*/html.  Is there any files at
    Max> that directory?

There are now, but only a very few. And very little contents in them.
It's as if the --reinstall were partial.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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