[Haskell-cafe] Re: Keeping an indexed collection of values?

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Thu Aug 20 05:57:44 EDT 2009

Job Vranish wrote:
> I've been in a situation a lot lately where I need to keep a collection of
> values, and keep track of them by a persistent index.
> data IndexedCollection a = IndexedCollection {
>     nextKey       :: Int,
>     availableKeys :: [Int],
>     items         :: IntMap a
> } deriving (Show)
> emptyIndexedCollection :: IndexedCollection a
> emptyIndexedCollection = IndexedCollection 0 [] empty
> addItem :: a -> IndexedCollection a -> (Int, IndexedCollection a)
> addItem a (IndexedCollection nextKey' []     t) = (nextKey',
> IndexedCollection (nextKey' + 1) [] (insert nextKey' a t))
> addItem a (IndexedCollection nextKey' (k:ks) t) = (k, IndexedCollection
> nextKey' ks (insert k a t))
> removeItem :: Int -> IndexedCollection a -> IndexedCollection a
> removeItem k (IndexedCollection nextKey' ks t) = IndexedCollection nextKey'
> (k:ks) (delete k t)
> lookupItem :: Int -> IndexedCollection a -> Maybe a
> lookupItem k (IndexedCollection _ _ t) = lookup k t
> [...]
> Does anyone know of a better/already existent data structure for handling
> this problem?
> Or perhaps a better way of keeping a "key pool" than my availableKeys
> solution?

I'd put it in a new module and use standard names, i.e.

   add      -- instead of  insert

Oh, and the name  IndexedCollection is kinda long. ;)

You may want to make the  nextKey  field strict, so that forcing the
whole collection forces the available keys as well

   data IndexedCollection = IndexedCollection {
       nextKey :: !Int,

Otherwise, a chain of  (+ 1)  may linger unintentionally. If you follow
Sebastian's great suggestion, you'd need to do something like this:

   empty = IndexedCollection (nats 0) IntMap.empty
      where nats !n = n : nats (n+1)

Is it important that the keys are integers? If not, then I suggest
making it abstract, i.e. like this

   module Store (Key, Store, empty, add, delete, lookup) where
   import qualified Data.IntMap as Map

   newtype Key = Key { int :: Int }

   instance Show Key where show = show . int

   data Store a = Store [Key] (Map.IntMap a)

   empty :: Store a
   empty = Store (nats 0) Map.empty
      where nats !n = Key n : nats (n+1)

   add :: a -> Store a -> (Key, Store a)
   add a (Store (k:ks) m) = (k, Store ks $ Map.insert (int k) a m)

   delete :: Key -> Store a -> Store a
   delete k (Store ks m) = Store (k:ks) $ Map.delete (int k) m

   lookup :: Key -> Store a -> Maybe a
   lookup k (Store _ m) = Map.lookup (int k) m

This way, the user doesn't know and care how  Key  is implemented.

Last but not least, there is the issue that trying to use an already
deleted key might yield a wrong result instead of an error. That
shouldn't happen if used correctly, but might give a headache when



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