[Haskell-cafe] Unifcation and matching in Abelian groups

John D. Ramsdell ramsdell0 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 05:43:43 EDT 2009

I've been studying equational unification.  I decided to test my
understanding of it by implementing unification and matching in
Abelian groups.  I am quite surprised by how little code it takes.
Let me share it with you.


Test cases:



> -- Unification and matching in Abelian groups
> -- John D. Ramsdell -- August 2009
> module Main (main, test) where
> import Data.Char (isSpace, isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isDigit)
> import Data.List (sort)
> import System.IO (isEOF)
> -- Chapter 8, Section 5 of the Handbook of Automated Reasoning by
> -- Franz Baader and Wayne Snyder describes unification and matching in
> -- communtative/monoidal theories.  This module refines the described
> -- algorithms for the special case of Abelian groups.
> -- In this module, an Abelian group is a free algebra over a signature
> -- with three function symbols,
> --
> -- * the binary symbol +, the group operator,
> -- * a constant 0, the identity element, and
> -- * the unary symbol -, the inverse operator.
> --
> -- The algebra is generated by a set of variables.  Syntactically, a
> -- variable is an identifer such as x and y.
> -- The axioms associated with the algebra are:
> --
> -- * x + y = y + x                 Commutativity
> -- * (x + y) + z = x + (y + z)     Associativity
> -- * x + 0 = x                     Group identity
> -- * x + -x = 0                    Cancellation
> -- A substitution maps variables to terms.  A substitution s is
> -- extended to a term as follows.
> --
> --     s(0) = 0
> --     s(-t) = -s(t)
> --     s(t + t') = s(t) + s(t')
> -- The unification problem is given the problem statement t =? t',
> -- find a substitution s such that s(t) = s(t') modulo the axioms of
> -- the algebra.  The matching problem is to find substitution s such
> -- that s(t) = t' modulo the axioms.
> -- A term is represented as the sum of factors, and a factor is the
> -- product of an integer coeficient and a variable or the group
> -- identity, zero.  In this representation, every coeficient is
> -- non-zero, and no variable occurs twice.
> -- A term can be represented by a finite map from variables to
> -- non-negative integers.  To make the code easier to understand,
> -- association lists are used instead of Data.Map.
> newtype Lin = Lin [(String, Int)]
> -- Constructors
> -- Identity element (zero)
> ide :: Lin
> ide = Lin []
> -- Factors
> var :: Int -> String -> Lin
> var 0 _ = Lin []
> var c x = Lin [(x, c)]
> -- Invert by negating coefficients.
> neg :: Lin -> Lin
> neg (Lin t) =
>     Lin $ map (\(x, c) -> (x, negate c)) t
> -- Join terms ensuring that coefficients are non-zero, and no variable
> -- occurs twice.
> add :: Lin -> Lin -> Lin
> add (Lin t) (Lin t') =
>     Lin $ foldr f t' t
>     where
>       f (x, c) t =
>           case lookup x t of
>             Just c' | c + c' == 0 -> remove x t
>                     | otherwise -> (x, c + c') : remove x t
>             Nothing -> (x, c) : t
> -- Remove the first pair in an association list that matches the key.
> remove :: Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
> remove _ [] = []
> remove x (y@(z, _) : ys)
>        | x == z = ys
>        | otherwise = y : remove x ys
> canonicalize :: Lin -> Lin
> canonicalize (Lin t) =
>     Lin (sort t)
> -- Convert a linearized term into an association list.
> assocs :: Lin -> [(String, Int)]
> assocs (Lin t) = t
> term :: [(String, Int)] -> Lin
> term assoc =
>     foldr f ide assoc
>     where
>       f (x, c) t = add t $ var c x
> -- Unification and Matching
> newtype Equation = Equation (Lin, Lin)
> newtype Maplet = Maplet (String, Lin)
> -- Unification is the same as matching when there are no constants
> unify :: Monad m => Equation -> m [Maplet]
> unify (Equation (t0, t1)) =
>     match $ Equation (add t0 (neg t1), ide)
> -- Matching in Abelian groups is performed by finding integer
> -- solutions to linear equations, and then using the solutions to
> -- construct a most general unifier.
> match :: Monad m => Equation -> m [Maplet]
> match (Equation (t0, t1)) =
>     case (assocs t0, assocs t1) of
>       ([], []) -> return []
>       ([], _) -> fail "no solution"
>       (t0, t1) ->
>           do
>             subst <- intLinEq (map snd t0) (map snd t1)
>             return $ mgu (map fst t0) (map fst t1) subst
> -- Construct a most general unifier from a solution to a linear
> -- equation.  The function adds the variables back into terms, and
> -- generates fresh variables as needed.
> mgu :: [String] -> [String] -> Subst -> [Maplet]
> mgu vars syms subst =
>     foldr f [] (zip vars [0..])
>     where
>       f (x, n) maplets =
>           case lookup n subst of
>             Just (factors, consts) ->
>                 Maplet (x, g factors consts) : maplets
>             Nothing ->
>                 Maplet (x, var 1 $ genSym n) : maplets
>       g factors consts =
>           term (zip genSyms factors ++ zip syms consts)
>       genSyms = map genSym [0..]
> -- Generated variables start with this character.
> genChar :: Char
> genChar = 'g'
> genSym :: Int -> String
> genSym i = genChar : show i
> -- So why solve linear equations?  Consider the matching problem
> --
> --     c[0]*x[0] + c[1]*x[1] + ... + c[n-1]*x[n-1] =?
> --         d[0]*a[0] + d[1]*a[1] + ... + d[m-1]*a[m-1]
> --
> -- with n variables and m constants.  We seek a most general unifier s
> -- such that
> --
> --     s(c[0]*x[0] + c[1]*x[1] + ... + c[n-1]*x[n-1]) =
> --         d[0]*a[0] + d[1]*a[1] + ... + d[m-1]*a[m-1]
> --
> -- which is the same as
> --
> --     c[0]*s(x[0]) + c[1]*s(x[1]) + ... + c[n-1]*s(x[n-1]) =
> --         d[0]*a[0] + d[1]*a[1] + ... + d[m-1]*a[m-1]
> --
> -- Notice that the number of occurrences of constant a[0] in s(x[0])
> -- plus s(x[1]) ... s(x[n-1]) must equal d[0].  Thus the mappings of
> -- the unifier that involve constant a[0] respect integer solutions of
> -- the following linear equation.
> --
> --     c[0]*x[0] + c[1]*x[1] + ... + c[n-1]*x[n-1] = d[0]
> --
> -- To compute a most general unifier, a most general integer solution
> -- to a linear equation must be found.
> -- Integer Solutions of Linear Inhomogeneous Equations
> type LinEq = ([Int], [Int])
> -- A linear equation with integer coefficients is represented as a
> -- pair of lists of integers, the coefficients and the constants.  If
> -- there are no constants, the linear equation represented by (c, [])
> -- is the homogeneous equation:
> --
> --     c[0]*x[0] + c[1]*x[1] + ... + c[n-1]*x[n-1] = 0
> --
> -- where n is the length of c.  Otherwise, (c, d) represents a
> -- sequence of inhomogeneous linear equations with the same
> -- left-hand-side:
> --
> --     c[0]*x[0] + c[1]*x[1] + ... + c[n-1]*x[n-1] = d[0]
> --     c[0]*x[0] + c[1]*x[1] + ... + c[n-1]*x[n-1] = d[1]
> --     ...
> --     c[0]*x[0] + c[1]*x[1] + ... + c[n-1]*x[n-1] = d[m-1]
> --
> -- where m is the length of d.
> type Subst = [(Int, LinEq)]
> -- A solution is a partial map from variables to terms, and a term is
> -- a pair of lists of integers, the variable part of the term followed
> -- by the constant part.  The variable part may specify variables not
> -- in the input.  For example, the solution of
> --
> --     64x = 41y + 1
> --
> -- is x = -41z - 16 and y = -64z - 25.  The computed solution is read
> -- off the list returned as an answer.
> --
> -- intLinEq [64,-41] [1] =
> --     [(0,([0,0,0,0,0,0,-41],[-16])),
> --      (1,([0,0,0,0,0,0,-64],[-25]))]
> -- Find integer solutions to linear equations
> intLinEq :: Monad m => [Int] -> [Int] -> m Subst
> intLinEq coefficients constants =
>     intLinEqLoop (length coefficients) (coefficients, constants) []
> -- The algorithm used to find solutions is described in Vol. 2 of The
> -- Art of Computer Programming / Seminumerical Alorithms, 2nd Ed.,
> -- 1981, by Donald E. Knuth, pg. 327.
> -- On input, n is the number of variables in the original problem, c
> -- is the coefficients, d is the constants, and subst is a list of
> -- eliminated variables.
> intLinEqLoop :: Monad m => Int -> LinEq -> Subst -> m Subst
> intLinEqLoop n (c, d) subst =
>     -- Find the smallest coefficient in absolute value
>     let (i, ci) = smallest c in
>     case () of
>       _ | ci < 0 -> intLinEqLoop n (invert c, invert d) subst
>       --  Ensure the smallest coefficient is positive
>         | ci == 0 -> fail "bad problem"
>       --  Lack of non-zero coefficients is an error
>         | ci == 1 ->
>       --  A general solution of the following form has been found:
>       --    x[i] = sum[j] -c'[j]*x[j] + d[k] for all k
>       --  where c' is c with c'[i] = 0.
>             return $ eliminate n (i, (invert (zero i c), d)) subst
>         | divisible ci c ->
>       --  If all the coefficients are divisible by c[i], a solution is
>       --  immediate if all the constants are divisible by c[i],
>       --  otherwise there is no solution.
>             if divisible ci d then
>                 let c' = divide ci c
>                     d' = divide ci d in
>                 return $ eliminate n (i, (invert (zero i c'), d')) subst
>             else
>                 fail "no solution"
>         | otherwise ->
>       --  Eliminate x[i] in favor of freshly created variable x[n],
>       --  where n is the length of c.
>       --    x[n] = sum[j] (c[j] div c[i] * x[j])
>       --  The new equation to be solved is:
>       --    c[i]*x[n] + sum[j] c'[j]*x[j] = d[k] for all k
>       --  where c'[j] = c[j] mod c[i] for j /= i and c'[i] = 0.
>             let c' = map (\x -> mod x ci) (zero i c)
>                 c'' = divide ci (zero i c)
>                 subst' = eliminate n (i, (invert c'' ++ [1], [])) subst in
>             intLinEqLoop n (c' ++ [ci], d) subst'
> -- Find the smallest coefficient in absolute value
> smallest :: [Int] -> (Int, Int)
> smallest xs =
>     foldl f (-1, 0) (zip [0..] xs)
>     where
>       f (i, n) (j, x)
>         | n == 0 = (j, x)
>         | x == 0 || abs n <= abs x = (i, n)
>         | otherwise = (j, x)
> invert :: [Int] -> [Int]
> invert t = map negate t
> -- Zero the ith position in a list
> zero :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
> zero _ [] = []
> zero 0 (_:xs) = 0 : xs
> zero i (x:xs) = x : zero (i - 1) xs
> -- Eliminate a variable from the existing substitution.  If the
> -- variable is in the original problem, add it to the substitution.
> eliminate :: Int -> (Int, LinEq) -> Subst -> Subst
> eliminate n m@(i, (c, d)) subst =
>     if i < n then
>         m : map f subst
>     else
>         map f subst
>     where
>       f m'@(i', (c', d')) =     -- Eliminate i in c' if it occurs in c'
>           case get i c' of
>             0 -> m'             -- i is not in c'
>             ci -> (i', (addmul ci (zero i c') c, addmul ci d' d))
>       -- Find ith coefficient
>       get _ [] = 0
>       get 0 (x:_) = x
>       get i (_:xs) = get (i - 1) xs
>       -- addnum n xs ys sums xs and ys after multiplying ys by n
>       addmul 1 [] ys = ys
>       addmul n [] ys = map (* n) ys
>       addmul _ xs [] = xs
>       addmul n (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x + n * y) : addmul n xs ys
> divisible :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
> divisible small t =
>     all (\x -> mod x small == 0) t
> divide :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
> divide small t =
>     map (\x -> div x small) t
> -- Input and Output
> instance Show Lin where
>     showsPrec _ (Lin []) =
>         showString "0"
>     showsPrec _ x =
>         showFactor t . showl ts
>         where
>           Lin (t:ts) = canonicalize x
>           showFactor (x, 1) = showString x
>           showFactor (x, -1) = showChar '-' . showString x
>           showFactor (x, c) = shows c . showString x
>           showl [] = id
>           showl ((s,n):ts)
>               | n < 0 =
>                   showString " - " . showFactor (s, negate n) . showl ts
>           showl (t:ts) = showString " + " . showFactor t . showl ts
> instance Read Lin where
>     readsPrec _ s0 =
>         [ (t1, s2)       | (t0, s1) <- readFactor s0,
>                            (t1, s2) <- readRest t0 s1 ]
>         where
>           readPrimary s0 =
>               [ (t0, s1) | (x, s1) <- scan s0, isVar x,
>                            let t0 = var 1 x ] ++
>               [ (t0, s1) | ("0", s1) <- scan s0,
>                            (s, _) <- scan s1, not (isVar s),
>                            let t0 = ide ] ++
>               [ (t0, s2) | (n, s1) <- scan s0, isNum n,
>                            (x, s2) <- scan s1, isVar x,
>                            let t0 = var (read n) x ] ++
>               [ (t0, s3) | ("(", s1) <- scan s0,
>                            (t0, s2) <- reads s1,
>                            (")", s3) <- scan s2 ]
>           readFactor s0 =
>               [ (t1, s2) | ("-", s1) <- scan s0,
>                            (t0, s2) <- readPrimary s1,
>                            let t1 = neg t0 ] ++
>               [ (t0, s1) | (s, _) <- scan s0, s /= "-",
>                            (t0, s1) <- readPrimary s0 ]
>           readRest t0 s0 =
>               [ (t2, s3) | ("+", s1) <- scan s0,
>                            (t1, s2) <- readFactor s1,
>                            (t2, s3) <- readRest (add t0 t1) s2 ] ++
>               [ (t2, s3) | ("-", s1) <- scan s0,
>                            (t1, s2) <- readPrimary s1,
>                            (t2, s3) <- readRest (add t0 (neg t1)) s2 ] ++
>               [ (t0, s0) | (s, _) <- scan s0, s /= "+" && s /= "-" ]
> isNum :: String -> Bool
> isNum (c:_) = isDigit c
> isNum _ = False
> isVar :: String -> Bool
> isVar (c:_) = isAlpha c && c /= genChar
> isVar _ = False
> scan :: ReadS String
> scan "" = [("", "")]
> scan (c:s)
>     | isSpace c = scan s
>     | isAlpha c = [ (c:part, t) | (part,t) <- [span isAlphaNum s] ]
>     | isDigit c = [ (c:part, t) | (part,t) <- [span isDigit s] ]
>     | otherwise = [([c], s)]
> instance Show Equation where
>     showsPrec _ (Equation (t0, t1)) =
>         shows t0 . showString " = " . shows t1
> instance Read Equation where
>     readsPrec _ s0 =
>         [ (Equation (t0, t1), s3) | (t0, s1) <- reads s0,
>                                     ("=", s2) <- scan s1,
>                                     (t1, s3) <- reads s2 ]
> instance Show Maplet where
>     showsPrec _ (Maplet (x, t)) =
>         showString x . showString " -> " . shows t
> -- Test Routine
> -- Given an equation, display a unifier and a matcher.
> test :: String -> IO ()
> test prob =
>     case readM prob of
>       Err err -> putStrLn err
>       Ans (Equation (t0, t1)) ->
>           do
>             putStr "Problem:   "
>             print $ Equation (canonicalize t0, canonicalize t1)
>             subst <- unify $ Equation (t0, t1)
>             putStr "Unifier:   "
>             print subst
>             putStr "Matcher:   "
>             case match $ Equation (t0, t1) of
>               Err err -> putStrLn err
>               Ans subst -> print subst
>             putStrLn ""
> readM :: (Read a, Monad m) => String -> m a
> readM s =
>     case [ x | (x, t) <- reads s, ("", "") <- lex t ] of
>       [x] -> return x
>       [] -> fail "no parse"
>       _ -> fail "ambiguous parse"
> data AnsErr a
>     = Ans a
>     | Err String
> instance Monad AnsErr where
>     (Ans x) >>= k = k x
>     (Err s) >>= _ = Err s
>     return        = Ans
>     fail          = Err
> main :: IO ()
> main =
>     do
>       done <- isEOF
>       case done of
>         True -> return ()
>         False ->
>             do
>               prob <- getLine
>               test prob
>               main

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