[Haskell-cafe] why does the binary library require so much memory?

Alex Mason axman6 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 16 03:26:43 EDT 2009

Hi Don,

I was wondering if perhaps this might be a slightly better instance  
for Binary [a], that might solve a) the problem of having to traverse  
the entire list first, and b) the list length limitation of using  
length and Ints. My version is hopefully a little more lazy (taking  
maxBound :: Word16 elements at a time), and should potentially allow  
infinite lists to be stored:

import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Word

newtype List a = List [a] deriving (Show,Eq)

instance Binary a => Binary (List a) where
     put (List xs) = do
                 let (hd,num,tl) = btake maxBound xs
                 putWord16be num
                 if num == 0
                     then return ()
                     else do
                          mapM_ put hd
                          put (List tl)
     get = do
         num <- getWord16be
         if num > 0
             then do
                 xs <- sequence (replicate (fromIntegral num) get)
                 List ys <- get
                 return (List (xs ++ ys))
             else return (List [])

btake :: Word16 -> [a] -> ([a],Word16,[a])
btake n xs = btake' n n xs

btake' :: Word16 -> Word16 -> [a] -> ([a],Word16,[a])
btake' 0 m xs = ([],m,xs)
btake' n m [] = ([],m-n,[])
btake' !n m (x:xs) = (x:xs',n',ys)
     where (xs',n',ys) = btake' (n-1) m xs

My testing of this version shows that it's terribly bad when it comes  
to memory usage, but I'm sure someone can find a more efficient way to  
do what I'm trying here.

-- Axman

On 01/08/2009, at 07:27, Don Stewart wrote:

> bos:
>> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Jeremy Shaw <jeremy at n-heptane.com>  
>> wrote:
>>    Using encode/decode from Binary seems to permamently increase my
>>    memory consumption by 60x fold. I am wonder if I am doing  
>> something
>>    wrong, or if this is an issue with Binary.
>> It's an issue with the Binary instance for lists, which forces the  
>> entire spine
>> of the list too early. This gives you a gigantic structure to hold  
>> onto.
> This is the current instance
>    instance Binary a => Binary [a] where
>        put l  = put (length l) >> mapM_ put l
>        get    = do n <- get :: Get Int
>                    getMany n
>    -- | 'getMany n' get 'n' elements in order, without blowing the  
> stack.
>    getMany :: Binary a => Int -> Get [a]
>    getMany n = go [] n
>     where
>        go xs 0 = return $! reverse xs
>        go xs i = do x <- get
>                     -- we must seq x to avoid stack overflows due to  
> laziness in
>                     -- (>>=)
>                     x `seq` go (x:xs) (i-1)
> It used to be this, though,
>        xs <- replicateM n get     -- now the elems.
> -- Don
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