[Haskell-cafe] generalize RecordPuns and RecordWildCards to work with qualified names?

Lennart Augustsson lennart at augustsson.net
Sun Aug 9 16:39:53 EDT 2009

At a minimum I think the error message should be better.

I also think it would be natural to use the DisambiguateRecordFields
for the places where RecordWildcards are used.
I mean, if I change from unqualified import to a qualified one, and
then change all visible names to be qualified I would expect things to
still work.
For RecordPuns I don't have an opinion on what to do.

  -- Lennart

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 9:42 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones<simonpj at microsoft.com> wrote:
> Oh, now I get it, thanks.  This message concerns design choices for record-syntax-related GHC extensions.  Lennart, pls tune in.  You don’t need to have read the thread to understand this message.
> | I think that Even refers to an example like this:
> |
> | module A where
> |   data A = A { a :: Int }
> |
> | The following works:
> |
> | {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
> | module B where
> |   import A
> |   f (A { a }) = a
> |
> | However, if we import "A" qualified, then punning does not seem to work:
> |
> | {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
> | module B where
> |   import qualified A
> |   f (A.A { a }) = a
> |
> | This results in: Not in scope: `a'
> Right.  What is happening is that GHC looks up the first 'a' (the one on the LHS) and finds it not in scope.  If you add -XDisambiguateRecordFields, it works fine.  But admittedly, the error message is unhelpful.  I could improve that.
> Now on to the suggested change:
> | {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
> | module B where
> |   import qualified A
> |
> |   f (A.A { A.a }) = a
> |
> | This results in: Qualified variable in pattern: A.a
> |
> | Even is suggesting that instead of reporting an error, in the second
> | case we could use the translation:
> |
> |   f (A.A { A.a }) = a   -->   f (A.A { A.a = a })
> |
> | (i.e., when punning occurs with a qualified name, use just the
> | unqualified part of the name in the pattern)
> Yes, that'd be possible.   But it seems debatable -- it doesn't *look* as if the pattern (A.A { A.a }) binds 'a' -- and it seems even less desirable in record construction and update.  To be concrete, would you expect these to work too?
>  g a = A.A { A.a }     -->    g a = A.A { A.a = a }
>  h x a = x { A.a }     -->    h x a = a { A.a = a }
> In these cases, I think the abbreviated code looks too confusing.
> With -XDisambiguateRecordFields you could say
>  g a = A.A { a }
> which seems better.  (But there's no help for record update, since we don’t know which data constructor is involved.)
> So my current conclusion is: improve the error message, perhaps suggesting the flag -XDismabiguateRecordFields, but don't add the change you suggest.
> Comments?
> Simon
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