[Haskell-cafe] Retrieving inner state from outside the transformer

phil at beadling.co.uk phil at beadling.co.uk
Sat Aug 1 14:06:45 EDT 2009

Thanks very much for both replies.

I think I get this now.

Simply, my choice of evaluation functions (evalStateT, execStateT and  
execState) ensured that the states are not returned.  It was obvious.

I can get this working, but I have one more more question to make sure  
I actually understand this.

Below is a very simple and pointless example I wrote to grasp the  
concept.  This returns ((1,23),21) which is clear to me.

import Control.Monad.State

myOuter :: StateT Int (State Int) Int
myOuter = StateT $ \s -> do p <- get
                                                   return (s,p+s+1)

main :: IO()
main = do let innerMonad = runStateT myOuter 1
                      y = runState innerMonad 21
                 print y

Thus we are saying that a=(1,23) and s=21 for the state monad, and  
that a=1 and s=23 for the state transformer.  That is the return value  
of the state monad is the (a,s) tuple of the transformer and it's own  
state is of course 21.

This got me thinking - the return value's type of the state monad is  
dictated by the evaluation function used on the state transformer - it  
could be a, s, or (a,s) depending which function is used.  Thus if I  
edit the code to to:

do let innerMonad = evalStateT myOuter 1

I get back (1,21) - which is the problem I had - we've lost the  
transformer's state.

Look at the Haskell docs I get:

evalStateT :: Monad m => StateT s m a -> s -> m a
runStateT :: s -> m (a, s)

So the transformer valuation functions are returning a State monad  
initialized with either a or (a,s).

Now I know from messing around with this that the initialization is  
the return value, from the constructor:

newtype State s a = State {
runState :: s -> (a, s)

Am I right in assuming that I can read this as:

m (a,s_outer) returned from runStateT is equivalent to calling the  
constructor as (State s_inner) (a,s_outer)

This makes sense because in the definition of myOuter we don't specify  
the return value type of the inner monad:

myOuter :: StateT Int (State Int) Int

The problem is whilst I can see that we've defined the inner monad's  
return value to equal the *type* of the transformer's evaluation  
function, I'm loosing the plot trying to see how the *values* returned  
by the transformer are ending up there.  We haven't specified what the  
state monad actually does?

If I look at a very simple example:

simple :: State Int Int
simple = State $ \s -> (s,s+1)

This is blindly obvious, is I call 'runState simple 8', I will get  
back (8,9).  Because I've specified that the return value is just the  

In the more original example, I can see that the 'return (s,p+s+1)'  
must produce a state monad where a=(1,23), and the state of this monad  
is just hardcoded in the code = 21.

I guess what I'm trying to say is - where is the plumbing that ensures  
that this returned value in the state/transformer stack is just the  
(a,s) of the transformer?

I have a terrible feeling this is a blindly obvious question -  
apologies if it is!

Thanks again!


On 31 Jul 2009, at 04:39, Ryan Ingram wrote:

> StateT is really simple, so you should be able to figure it out:
> runStateT :: StateT s m a -> s -> m (a,s)
> runState :: State s a -> s -> (a,s)
> So if you have
> m :: StateT s1 (StateT s2 (State s3)) a
> runStateT m :: s1 -> StateT s2 (State s3) (a,s)
> \s1 s2 s3 -> runState (runStateT (runStateT m s1) s2) s3)
> :: s1 -> s2 -> s3 -> (((a,s1), s2), s3)

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