[Haskell-cafe] Re: Is 78 characters still a good option? Was: breaking too long lines

Xiao-Yong Jin xj2106 at columbia.edu
Fri Apr 24 00:54:45 EDT 2009

Gwern Branwen <gwern0 at gmail.com> writes:

> I was cabalizing a package once, and I chucked into the build-depends
> 'ghc' and made it build. About 30 seconds later, it occurred to me
> that this was a geometry library and what the heck was it doing with
> the GHC API? So I go looking, and I find a module of utility
> functions. It's importing GHC.Base.
> I remove the import and scroll down to see the error.
> It turns out that 20 megabytes of GHC code was being linked into this
> program for one function.
> I took the quick way out and typed into the module: 'isJust Nothing =
> False; isJust (Just a) = True'.

Probably I'm missing something, but why didn't you just
import Data.Maybe?  I believe both 'isJust' and 'isNothing'
is defined in the module.
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