[Haskell-cafe] breaking too long lines

Tillmann Rendel rendel at cs.au.dk
Mon Apr 20 10:44:58 EDT 2009

Christian Maeder wrote:
> I've nothing against long names, but one shouldn't try to put blocks
> to the right of them.

This is very important from my point of view. Indention should not 
depend on identifier length. However, I make an exception to that rule 
sometimes for definitions which look like tables (e.g. step functions 
for abstract machines).

>   do c <- letter
>      do d <- digit
>         return [c, d]
>       <|> do
>         u <- char '_'
> 	return [c, u]

I try to avoid these, e.g. I would use this instead:

   do c <- letter
        [ do d <- digit
             return [c, d]
        , do u <- char '_'
             return [c, u]

Actually, I try to avoid do-blocks, but that's a different story.

>   data TName =
>       LongConstructorName
>       { selector1 :: C1
>       , ... }
>     | LongSecondConstructor
>       ....
>       deriving ...

I use

   data Maybe a
     = Just a
     | Nothing
     deriving Show


   data Maybe a
     = Just
       { fromJust :: a

     | Nothing

     deriving Show

However, I would prefer the following Coq-like syntax:

   data Maybe a =
     | Just a
     | Nothing


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