[Haskell-cafe] Re: Matrices

Patrick Perry patperry at stanford.edu
Sun Apr 19 21:14:53 EDT 2009

Hi Cetin,

This is probably the easiest way:

 > (m - es)^2/es
listMatrix (2,2)  

This will create 2 temporary arrays.  Alternatively,

 > let res = listMatrix (shape m) [ (o-e)^2 / e | o <- colElems m | e  
<- colElems es ] where colElems = concatMap elems . cols
 > res
listMatrix (2,2)  

In a later version of the library, "colElems" will probably be built- 
in.  This version has the disadvantage that it doesn't use BLAS calls.

If you *really* want to get tricky and eliminate temporary arrays:

 > runSTMatrix $ do
	res <- newCopyMatrix m
	subMatrix res es
	modifyWith (^2) res
	divMatrix res es
	return res

Now, to get the sum:

 > sumAbs $ vectorFromMatrix res


 > sum $ elems res

The first version will usually be more efficient, since it calls the  
BLAS1 function "dasum".


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