[Haskell-cafe] Code Golf

Sjoerd Visscher sjoerd at w3future.com
Fri Apr 17 20:48:51 EDT 2009


This one works for all 3 examples you gave:

diag = concat . takeWhile (not.null)
      . foldr1 (flip $ zipWith (flip (++)) . ([]:))
      . map ((++ repeat []) . map (:[]))

or, using Matt Hellige's pointless fun

diag = foldr1 (zipWith (++) $. id ~> ([]:) ~> id)
      $. map (++ repeat []) ~> takeWhile (not.null)
      $. (map.map) (:[]) ~> concat

I think the second one is quite readable, thanks to Matt's notation.  
The essential part is up front, and the pre- and post-transformations  
that belong to each other can be grouped.

Sjoerd Visscher
sjoerd at w3future.com

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