[Haskell-cafe] Painful Data Abstraction

Brad Larsen brad.larsen at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 21:11:23 EDT 2009

I asked this earlier on #haskell, but it was quiet hour.  Here goes.

Suppose I have an abstract data type for prefix dictionaries of 
bytestrings.  I define a typeclass in a module PrefixDict.Class:

    module PrefixDict.Class where

    import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B

    type Word = B.ByteString

    class PrefixDict d where
        empty :: d
        isEmpty :: d -> Bool
        insert :: Word -> d -> d
        delete :: d -> Word -> d
        hasWord :: d -> Word -> Bool
        hasPrefix :: d -> Word -> Bool

I then write several implementations, including a naive list 
implementation, and a trie implementation, in the modules 
PrefixDict.ListDict and PrefixDict.TrieDict, both looking something like 

    module PrefixDict.ListDict where

    import PrefixDict.Class

    data ListDict = ListDict [Word]

    instance PrefixDict ListDict where

Now, there are many properties that should be satisfied by any 
implementation of PrefixDict, that are not easily captured in the type 
system.  Trying to be a good coder, I write up some generic QuickCheck 
properties, such as

    prop_insert_idempotent :: (Eq d, PrefixDict d) => d -> Word -> Bool
    prop_insert_idempotent d w = insert w d' == d'
      where d' = insert w d

The problem is this:  I can't think of a non-kludged way of checking 
that TrieDict and ListDict satisfy this abstract property without having 
to add explicit type signatures, e.g.

    quickCheck (prop_insert_idempotent :: TrieDict -> Word -> Bool)

I have many abstract properties, and I *really* don't like having to put 
an explicit signature on each one.

I came up with a hackishway that minimizes the number of signatures 
required, by checking all abstract properties in one, generic function, 
reflecting a type as a value, and using scoped type variables:

    testAbstractProperties :: forall d. (PrefixDict d) => d -> IO ()
    testAbstractProperties _ = do
      quickCheck (prop_insert_idempotent :: d -> Word -> Bool)
      quickCheck (prop_delete_works :: d -> Word -> Property)

I then call this function from a "test suite" function written for each 
module, e.g.

    testTrieDict :: IO ()
    testTrieDict = do
      testAbstractProperties (undefined :: TrieDict)

This means I only have to write the type signatures on the properties in 
one place, but it is still less than ideal.

Is there a better way of doing this, or is Haskell simply not good at 
this kind of data abstraction?

Brad Larsen

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