[Haskell-cafe] Re: Red-Blue Stack
Timothy Goddard
tim at goddard.net.nz
Mon Sep 29 19:29:09 EDT 2008
There was a bug in there with popping the non-head colour off the stack.
Updated code, please test thoroughly:
module RBStack where
data RBColour = Red | Blue
deriving (Show, Eq)
data RBStack a = RBStack {
headColour :: RBColour,
stackElems :: [[a]]
deriving (Show, Eq)
otherCol :: RBColour -> RBColour
otherCol Red = Blue
otherCol Blue = Red
empty :: RBStack a
empty = RBStack Red []
push :: RBColour -> a -> RBStack a -> RBStack a
push col val stack
| null (stackElems stack) = RBStack col [[val]]
| headColour stack == col = RBStack col ((val:e):es)
| otherwise = RBStack col ([val]:e:es)
(e:es) = stackElems stack
popColour :: RBColour -> RBStack a -> (Maybe a, RBStack a)
popColour col stack
| null (stackElems stack) = (Nothing, stack)
| headColour stack == col = (Just (head e), if null (tail e)
then (RBStack (otherCol col) es)
else (RBStack col ((tail e):es)))
| otherwise = if null es
then (Nothing, stack)
else let (f:fs) = es in (Just (head f), if null (tail f)
then (if null fs then (RBStack (otherCol col) [e]) else (RBStack
(otherCol col) ((e ++ (head fs)):(tail fs))))
else RBStack (otherCol col) (e:(tail f):fs))
(e:es) = stackElems stack
pop :: RBStack a -> (Maybe (RBColour, a), RBStack a)
pop stack
| null (stackElems stack) = (Nothing, stack)
| otherwise = (Just (col, head e), if null (tail e) then (RBStack (otherCol
col) es) else (RBStack col ((tail e):es)))
(e:es) = stackElems stack
col = headColour stack
peek :: RBStack a -> Maybe (RBColour, a)
peek = fst . pop
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