[Haskell-cafe] Re: Red-Blue Stack

Luke Palmer lrpalmer at gmail.com
Fri Sep 26 12:48:28 EDT 2008

This is a very good post and a clever idea.  Thanks!


On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 3:30 AM, apfelmus <apfelmus at quantentunnel.de> wrote:
> apfelmus wrote:
>> data Stack2 r b = Empty | S [r] (Stack2 b r) deriving (Eq, Show)
> In the previous post, I considered an implementation of red-blue stacks
> with the data type above. Unfortunately, it failed to perform in O(1)
> time because list concatenation needs linear time:
>  xs ++ ys  takes  O(length xs) time
> But in Java, it's easy to append two (doubly) linked lists can in
> constant time; I mean, just link the tail of the first list to the head
> of the second. Why do we need linear time in Haskell? As Derek already
> said, the thing is that in Haskell, all data structures are *persistent*
> by default. Appending two linked lists in Java mutates the first list
> and its old version is no longer available. Doubly linked lists are said
> to be an *ephemeral* data structure. In Haskell, xs ++ ys  does not
> change  xs  or  ys  at all, both are still around.
> Persistent data structures are harder to come up with than ephemeral
> ones, but there are some beautiful techniques available. For more, see
> Okasaki's book
>  Chris Okasaki. Purely Function Data Structures.
>  http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/theses/okasaki.pdf
>  (This is the thesis on which the book is based.)
> In particular, chapter 7.2.1 presents a simple implementation of lists
> that support head, tail and (++) in constant time. So, we could "rescue"
> our red-blue stack by
>    data StackL r b = Empty | S (List r) (StackL b r)
> using some more efficient data structure  List a  instead of  [a].
> That's exactly what we are going to do now, but with a twist: our lists
> won't store any elements at all!
>    newtype List a = Length Int   deriving (Eq,Show,Num)
> Instead, we're only storing the length of the list, so that
>  empty list   corresponds to   0
>  tail         corresponds to   n-1
>  ++           corresponds to   +
> Clearly, this is a very efficient implementation of "lists" with
> "concatenation" in constant time^1. (Enable  GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
>  so that the compiler will implement the  instance Num (Length a)  for
> us.)
> The implementation is just as before, except that we don't have any
> elements. But we can think of () as the element type.
>    recolorL :: StackL r b -> StackL b r
>    recolorL (S 0 t) = t
>    recolorL t       = S 0 t
>    pushL :: () -> StackL r b -> StackL r b
>    pushL Empty    = S 1 Empty
>    pushL (S rs t) = S (rs+1) t
>    popL :: StackL r b -> StackL r b
>    popL (S 0  (S bs t)) = S 0 . s bs . popL $ t
>        where
>        s bs (S 0 Empty     ) = S bs Empty
>        s bs (S 0 (S bs' t')) = S (bs + bs') t'
>        s bs t                = S bs t
>    popL (S rs t       ) = S (rs-1) t
>    popL _               = Empty
>    topL :: StackL r b -> Maybe (Either () ())
>    topL Empty   = Nothing
>    topL (S 0 t) = fmap (\(Left b) -> Right b) (topL t)
>    topL (S _ _) = Just (Left ())
> Note that we still enjoy the benefits of using different types for red
> and blue elements. For instance, the compiler won't allow us to add
> List r  and  List b , though both are plain integers. The  r  in  List r
>  is called a *phantom type* because, well, just like a phantom, the  r
> isn't really there.
> Now, this is all well and good, but we wanted to store actual elements,
> didn't we? While the implementation above can't do that, it's perfectly
> able to keep track of the order of elements. And we just need to combine
> that with an external element storage to get a full red-blue stack:
>    data RBStack r b = RBS [r] [b] (StackL r b)
>    recolor (RBS rs bs n) = RBS bs rs (recolorL n)
>    push r  (RBS rs bs n) = RBS (r:rs) bs (pushL () n)
>    pop     (RBS rs bs n) = RBS (drop 1 rs) bs (popL n)
>    top (RBS rs bs n) = fmap f (topL n)
>        where
>        f (Left  _) = Left  (head rs)
>        f (Right _) = Right (head bs)
> Last but not least, I would like to add that the above implementation is
> of course inspired by the technique of "numerical representation", i.e.
> the analogy between the representation of a number  n  and a container
> with  n elements. So, the trick was basically to replace the peano
> numbers  [()]  with the more efficient representation  Int  while the
> special nature of the problem allowed us to store the elements
> externally. For more about designing purely functional data structures
> with numerical representations, see of course Okasaki's book and also
>  Ralf Hinze, Ross Paterson.
>  Finger Trees: A Simple General-purpose Data Structure.
>  http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/FingerTree.html
> Regards,
> apfelmus
> Footnotes:
> ^1 Actually, addition of big integers is linear in the number of digits,
> i.e. logarithmic in the size of the integer.
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