[Haskell-cafe] Re: Hmm, what license to use?

Achim Schneider barsoap at web.de
Fri Sep 26 09:34:50 EDT 2008

Manlio Perillo <manlio_perillo at libero.it> wrote:

> Colin Paul Adams ha scritto:
> >>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Davie <tom.davie at gmail.com> writes:
> > 
> > 
> >     Thomas> Sorry, this isn't the most relevant comment to the
> >     Thomas> discussion, but I thought I'd add my own thought re the
> >     Thomas> gpl/lgpl.  My personal feeling is that the point of open
> >     Thomas> source is to allow people the freedom to do what they
> >     Thomas> want with a piece of code.  The GPL/LGPL go completely
> >     Thomas> against this idea, in that they restrict what I can do
> >     Thomas> with the code to only things that are similarly
> >     Thomas> licensed.
> > 
> > No, the point of free software is to prevent people from denying
> > other people the right to use the code.
> > 
> > Allowing people to do what they like at the expense of other people
> > is not freedom.
> When I compare GPL and MIT/BSD licenses, I do a simple reasoning.
> Suppose a doctor in a battle field meet a badly injuried enemy.
> Should he help the enemy?
I think your example is a little flawed, I'd see it like this:

Is the patient conscious?
Is he still holding his gun?
If yes, get the hell away.

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