[Haskell-cafe] Language.Haskell and strings
Sterling Clover
s.clover at gmail.com
Sun Sep 21 21:46:04 EDT 2008
A quick glance at the code reveals that there's an instance of Pretty
like such:
instance Pretty HsLiteral where
pretty (HsInt i) = integer i
pretty (HsChar c) = text (show c)
pretty (HsString s) = text (show s)
pretty (HsFrac r) = double (fromRational r)
That HsString instance is wrong for what you want, but there doesn't
seem any way to simply override it. It should, however, be easy
enough to add a further postprocessing layer to your already pretty-
printed text, looking line by line for those lines that are a) too
long and b) contain a very large quoted string. This layer could
fairly easily do something reasonable to break the string up.
Alternately, you could write a preprocessing layer that walked the
source tree directly and chunked all HsStrings over a certain length
into "aaaa" ++ "aaaa" ++ "aaaa", etc. At which point, the pretty
printer could then decide how to distribute them properly across
lines. Neither would be as perfect a solution as integrating with the
pretty printer directly, but both would be helpful, and the latter
could probably even be a one or two liner with an appropriate use of
On Sep 21, 2008, at 5:37 PM, Sukit Tretriluxana wrote:
> Data.List
> prettyStr :: Int -> String -> IO ()
> prettyStr maxlen str = do
> putStr ("\"" ++ head brokenStr)
> mapM_ (\str -> putStr ("\\\n\\" ++ str)) (tail brokenStr)
> putStr "\"\n"
> where brokenStr = map (snd.unzip) $ groupBy (\_ (i,_) -> i `mod`
> maxlen /= 0) $ zip [0..] str
> Ed
> On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Maurí cio
> <briqueabraque at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Language.Haskell.* and would
> like to know if it's possible to
> pretty-print big strings like this:
> "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
> into something like this:
> "aaaaaaaa\
> \aaaaaaaa\
> \aaaaaaaa\
> \aaaaaaaa\
> \aaaaaaaa\
> \aaaaaaaa\
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