[Haskell-cafe] ask
Daniel Fischer
daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Sun Sep 14 20:51:37 EDT 2008
Am Montag, 15. September 2008 02:24 schrieb Cetin Sert:
> Hi why do I get?
Buffering. For compiled programmes, stdin and stdout are line-buffered by
default, so the output doesn't appear until the program finishes.
Either put
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
at the top of main or, better IMO,
insert a
hFlush stdout
into ask before the readLn.
And in eval, putStrLn would be better, I think.
> cetin at linux-d312:~/lab/exp/1> ./eq
> 23
> 23
> 3
> a = b = c = n1-0.8457820374040622n2-0.1542179625959377
> when I run
> import System.IO
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> a ← ask "a"
> b ← ask "b"
> c ← ask "c"
> eval a b c
> ask v = do
> putStr (v ++ " = ")
> readLn
> eval a b c = do
> case delta < 0 of
> True → putStr "neg"
> False → putStr ("n1" ++ show n1 ++ "n2" ++ show n2)
> where
> delta = b*b - 4*c*a
> n o = (-b `o` sqrt(delta))/(2*a)
> n1 = n (+)
> n2 = n (-)
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