[Haskell-cafe] Re: Hugs on the iphone

Braden Shepherdson Braden.Shepherdson at gmail.com
Sun Sep 14 10:56:39 EDT 2008

Braden Shepherdson wrote:
> Alberto R. Galdo wrote:
>> Hi, is there any chance of having hugs  compile for the iPhone?
>> Cross-compiling? Compiling directly on the iPhone?
>> Greets,
>> Alberto
> The iPhone, like most modern mobile devices, is based on the ARM 
> processor, for which there is currently no GHC port.
> However, jhc outputs portable C code which can be (cross) compiled for 
> ARM. I have succeeded in building Haskell code with jhc on my desktop 
> (x86 Linux), then cross-compiling the resulting C code in a scratchbox 
> environment for my Nokia N810.
> In short, if you can compile C code for the iPhone (cross-compiled or 
> native), you can probably use jhc to turn Haskell into suitable C.
> jhc is not self-hosting, and it requires gcc as a back-end, so it isn't 
> suitable for running on the device.
> See also the GHC-on-ARM project[1], an attempt to port GHC to ARM Linux 
> devices.
> Braden Shepherdson
> shepheb
> [1] http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/ArmLinuxGhc

I failed completely to mention Hugs: I don't think it exists, but I 
think someone managed to port it to the Nintendo DS a while back, so it 
should be possible.

Braden Shepherdson

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