[Haskell-cafe] Re: Field names

Mauricio briqueabraque at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 10 20:32:27 EDT 2008

 >>>> Do you have any reference for that use of infixing
 >>>> constructors by start their name with ':'?
 >>>> (...)

 > (...) for data constructors, go to
 > http://haskell.org/onlinereport/lexemes.html
 > and search for `Operator symbols'. (...)

Here it is:

   “Operator symbols are formed from one or more
   symbol characters, as defined above, and are
   lexically distinguished into two namespaces
   (Section 1.4):

     * An operator symbol starting with a colon is
       a constructor.(...)”

Cool! What is the syntax for using that in 'data'?
Is it something like “data X = Y | Int :°& Double”?


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