[Haskell-cafe] [Fwd: profiling in haskell]

Vlad Skvortsov vss at 73rus.com
Mon Sep 8 19:57:20 EDT 2008

Posting to cafe since I got just one reply on beginner at . I was suggested 
to include more SCC annotations, but that didn't help. The 'serialize' 
function is still reported to consume about 32% of running time, 29% 
inherited. However, functions called from it only account for about 3% 
of time.

How do I get more insight into that?


Vlad Skvortsov, vss at 73rus.com, http://vss.73rus.com

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From: Vlad Skvortsov <vss at 73rus.com>
Subject: profiling in haskell
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 15:37:56 -0700
Size: 1521
Url: http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/attachments/20080908/19f2329b/profilinginhaskell.eml

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