[Haskell-cafe] It's not a monad - what is it? looking for nice
syntactic sugar, customizable do notation?
Marc Weber
marco-oweber at gmx.de
Tue Sep 2 00:39:44 EDT 2008
> I still think that (3) would be superiour..
> Is there a way to define my own >>= and >> functions such as:
> {-# define custom do doX;
> (>>=) : mybind , >> : "my>>" #-}
> body $ doX
> args <- lift $ getArgs
> This would be terrific.
> Sincerly
> Marc Weber
dons has told me about
06:27 < dons> http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/users_guide/syntax-extns.html#rebindable-syntax
06:27 < lambdabot> Title: 8.3.�Syntactic extensions,
example :
module Main where
import Prelude
import Debug.Trace
import System.IO
main = do
let (>>=) a b = trace (show "woah") $ (Prelude.>>=) a b
getLine >>= print
so actually this can be done? I'll try it.
Marc Weber
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