[Haskell-cafe] Password hashing
Thomas Hartman
tphyahoo at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 08:32:46 EDT 2008
In my happs-tutorial application I do the following to keep passwords.
No salt, but apart from that, should be fine, right?
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
-- store passwords as md5 hash, as a security measure
scramblepass :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
scramblepass = B.pack . show . md5 . L.pack . B.unpack
2008/10/30 roger peppe <rogpeppe at gmail.com>:
> if you're prepared to expend a few cpu cycles, you can always
> use something like the following "beating clocks" algorithm, which
> should generate
> at least some genuine randomness, as long as you've got preemptive
> scheduling, and a few hardware interrupts around the place.
>>module Clockbeat where
>>import Control.Concurrent
>>import Control.Monad
>>import Data.IORef
>>random :: IO Int
>>random = do
>> m <- newEmptyMVar
>> v <- newIORef (0 :: Int)
>> fast <- forkIO $ forever $ do
>> v' <- readIORef v
>> let v'' = v' + 1 in
>> v'' `seq` writeIORef v v''
>> slow <- forkIO $ forever $
>> do
>> threadDelay 500000
>> val <- readIORef v
>> putMVar m (val `mod` 2)
>> r <- replicateM 31 $ takeMVar m
>> killThread fast
>> killThread slow
>> return $ sum $ zipWith (*) (map (2 ^) [0..]) r
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