[Haskell-cafe] RE: [Haskell] Current XML libraries status

Mitchell, Neil neil.mitchell.2 at credit-suisse.com
Fri Oct 24 07:02:05 EDT 2008

Redirected to haskell-cafe, since that's where all discussions should go
(haskell = announcments only)

> > Does some one have made performance tests on the different XML 
> > libraries for Haskell? I have a 20MB xml file that I want 
> to read. I 
> > remember from my earlier experiments (years ago) that all libraries 
> > were too slow and were consuming too much memory.
> For my XML needs, I ended up just using the TagSoup library 
> to extract the parts I wanted.  At least this allows lazy 
> processing of large files (a typical file is in the 1 to 4 GB range).
> Performance is acceptable, and Neil is rumored to have a plan 
> to improve it further.

I have a plan, I have the pseudo-code, and I have the notes. I currently
don't have the time - but hopefully I'll find the time at some point.



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