[Haskell-cafe] Monadic Floating Point [was: Linking and unsafePerformIO]

Sterling Clover s.clover at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 21:26:14 EDT 2008

I'd like to direct folks' attention to the IEEE-utils package on hackage
[1], which Matt Morrow started and I have made a few additions to. There are
bindings to set and check the rounding mode, as well as check and clear the
exception register. On top of that I've built a very experimental monadic
wrapper (so experimental that I just noticed a typo in the documentation).
The monad is essentially a newtype over IO, which enforces a single IEEE
state using an MVar propagated through the program as an implicit parameter
(as opposed to created with top-level unsafePerfomIO). Strictness could
probably be enforced in a more thoroughgoing fashion, but now is explicitly
introduced with "calculate" which is a lifted "evaluate."
The perturb function is pretty neat -- it uses polymorphism to prevent
 memoization, such that the same pure calculation can be performed over
different rounding modes, to test for numeric stability. I couldn't think of
a sane way to deal with fancier traps to the IEEE registers, but obviously a
slower but sane implementation of exception traps could be built on top of
the existing machinery. With a bit of duct-tape, perturb could no doubt be
combined with quickcheck to prove some relatively interesting properties.
Matt and I did this mainly out of curiosity and to fill a gap, as neither of
us has a real need for this sort of control over IEEE state at the moment.
As such, I don't have a good idea of what is good or bad in the API or could
be more convenient. However, I'd urge folks with an itch to scratch to give
this all a try and maybe provide some feedback, use-cases, implementations
of algorithms that need this sort of thing, of course patches, etc.


On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 11:19 AM, Ariel J. Birnbaum <valgarv at gmx.net> wrote:

> > It is an interesting question: can IEEE floating point be done purely
> > while preserving the essential features. I've not looked very far so I
> > don't know how far people have looked into this before.
> Not sure. My doubts are mainly on interference between threads. If a thread
> can keep its FP state changes 'local' then maybe it could be done. I still
> think FP operations should be combined in a monad though --- after all,
> they
> depend on the evaluation order.
> > Haskell currently only supports a subset of the IEEE FP api. One can
> > assume that that's mainly because the native api for the extended
> > features is imperative. But need it be so?
> >
> > Rounding modes sound to me like an implicit parameter. Traps and
> > exception bits sound like the implementation mechanism of a couple
> > standard exception handling strategies. The interesting thing here is
> > that the exception handling strategy is actually an input parameter.
> Reader? =)
> > So part of the issue is a functional model of the FP api but the other
> > part is what compiler support would be needed to make a functional api
> > efficient. For example if the rounding mode is an implicit parameter to
> > each operation like + - * etc then we need some mechanism to make sure
> > that we don't have to actually set the FP rounding mode before each FP
> > instruction, but only at points where we know it can change, like
> > passing a new value for the implicit parameter, or calling into a thunk
> > that uses FP instructions.
> This one seems like a tough one to figure. Again, I'd vouch for a solution
> like STM --- composition of FP operations is allowed at a certain level
> (maybe enforcing some settings to remain constant here), while it takes a
> stronger level to connect them to their surroundings.
> > There's also the issue that if the Float/Double operations take an
> > implicit parameter, can they actually be instances of Num? Is that
> > allowed? I don't know.
> Technically I guess they could, just like (Num a) => (b->a) can be made
> an instance. It would look more like State though, IMO. Or Cont. Doesn't
> even
> look like Oleg-fu is needed.
> Should they? That's a horse of a different colour. There are certain
> properties most programmers come to expect of such instances (regardless of
> whether the Report demands them or not), such as associativity of (+) and
> (==) being an equivalence that break miserably for floating point.
> Floating point is a hairy area for programing in general, but I think it's
> also one where Haskell can shine with an elegant, typesafe model.
> --
> Ariel J. Birnbaum
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